
Alice Project

The Gtk structure

________ Synopsis ____________________________________________________

    signature GTK
    structure Gtk : GTK

The Gtk structure provides access to the Gtk toolkit.

See the overview page for a general introduction to the GTK library binding.

See also: GLib, Pango, Atk, Gdk, Canvas, Glade

________ Import ______________________________________________________

    import signature GTK from "x-alice:/lib/gtk/GTK-sig"
    import structure Gtk from "x-alice:/lib/gtk/Gtk"

________ Interface ___________________________________________________

signature GTK =
    type object = Core.object
    type gtype = Core.gtype
    type gvalue = Core.gvalue
    type prop   = Core.prop
    type prop_initializer = Core.prop_initializer
(* begin of CORE-sig.aml *)

    datatype event =
      | EVENT_EXPOSE of 
	{window:object, send:bool, 
	 area_x:int, area_y:int, area_height:int, area_width:int,
	 region:object, count:int}
	{window:object, send:bool, time:int,
	 x:real, y:real,
	 state:int, is_hint:int,
	 device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real}
	{window:object, send:bool, time:int,
	 x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int,
	 device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real}
	{window:object, send:bool, time:int,
	 x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int,
	 device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real}
	{window:object, send:bool, time:int,
	 x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int,
	 device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real}
	{window:object, send:bool, time:int,
	 x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int,
	 device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real}
      | EVENT_KEY_PRESS of
	{window:object, send:bool, time:int, state:int,
	 keyval:int, length:int, string:string, 
	 hardware_keycode:int, group:int}
	{window:object, send:bool, time:int, state:int,
	 keyval:int, length:int, string:string, 
	 hardware_keycode:int, group:int}
	{window:object, send:bool, subwindow:object, time:int,
	 x:real, y:real, x_root:real, y_root:real,
	 mode:int, detail:int, focus:bool, state:int}
	{window:object, send:bool, subwindow:object, time:int,
	 x:real, y:real, x_root:real, y_root:real,
	 mode:int, detail:int, focus:bool, state:int}
      | EVENT_FOCUS_CHANGE of {window:object, send:bool, hasFocus:bool}
	{window:object, send:bool, x:int, y:int,
 	 width:int, height:int}
      | EVENT_MAP
	{window:object, send:bool, state:int}
      | EVENT_NO_EXPOSE of {window:object, send:bool}
      | EVENT_SCROLL of
	{window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real,
	 state:int, direction:int, device:object,
	 x_root:real, y_root:real}
      | EVENT_UNSUPPORTED of object

    datatype arg = 
	BOOL of bool
      | INT of int
      | REAL of real
      | STRING of string
      | OBJECT of object
      | LIST of object list
      | EVENT of event

    val NULL : object
    val TRUE : int
    val FALSE : int

    type callback_function = object * arg list -> unit
    val signalConnect        : object * string * callback_function -> int
    val signalConnectAfter   : object * string * callback_function -> int
    val signalDisconnect     : object * int -> unit
    val signalHandlerBlock   : object * int -> unit
    val signalHandlerUnblock : object * int -> unit

    val latin1ToUtf8 : string -> string
    val utf8ToLatin1 : string -> string

    val lock : Lock.lock

    structure Types :
        val string : gtype
        val int    : gtype
        val float  : gtype
        val double : gtype
        val pixbuf : gtype

    structure Value :
        (* exception TypeError *)

        val undefined : unit -> gvalue

        val int : int -> gvalue
        val enum : int * gtype -> gvalue
        val string : string -> gvalue
        val float : real -> gvalue
        val double : real -> gvalue
        val bool : bool -> gvalue
        val object : object -> gvalue
        val toInt : gvalue -> int
        val toString : gvalue -> string
        val toReal : gvalue -> real
        val toBool : gvalue -> bool
        val toObject : gvalue -> object

        val getType : gvalue -> gtype

    structure Prop :
        val setL : object -> prop_initializer list -> unit

        val set : 'a prop -> object * 'a -> unit
        val get : 'a prop -> object -> 'a 

        val rawSet : object * string * gvalue -> unit
        val rawGet : object * string -> gvalue

        val name : 'a prop -> string

        val prop : 'a prop * 'a -> prop_initializer

        (* creation *)
        val newProp : string * ('a -> gvalue) * (gvalue -> 'a) -> 'a prop
(* end of CORE-sig.aml *)

    structure WidgetFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | CAN_DEFAULT
          | CAN_FOCUS
          | HAS_DEFAULT
          | HAS_FOCUS
          | HAS_GRAB
          | MAPPED
          | NO_REPARENT
          | NO_SHOW_ALL
          | NO_WINDOW
          | RC_STYLE
          | REALIZED
          | SENSITIVE
          | TOPLEVEL
          | VISIBLE
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure UIManagerItemType :
        datatype flag =
          | AUTO
          | MENU
          | MENUBAR
          | MENUITEM
          | PLACEHOLDER
          | POPUP
          | SEPARATOR
          | TOOLBAR
          | TOOLITEM
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure TreeModelFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | LIST_ONLY
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure TextSearchFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | VISIBLE_ONLY
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure TargetFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | WIDGET
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure RcFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | BG
          | FG
          | TEXT
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure PrivateFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | ANCHORED
          | CHILD_VISIBLE
          | DIRECTION_LTR
          | DIRECTION_SET
          | HAS_SHAPE_MASK
          | IN_REPARENT
          | LEAVE_PENDING
          | REDRAW_ON_ALLOC
          | REQUEST_NEEDED
          | RESIZE_PENDING
          | USER_STYLE
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ObjectFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | IN_DESTRUCTION
          | RESERVED_1
          | RESERVED_2
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure IconLookupFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | NO_SVG
          | USE_BUILTIN
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure FileFilterFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | FILENAME
          | MIME_TYPE
          | URI
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure DialogFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | MODAL
          | NO_SEPARATOR
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure DestDefaults :
        datatype flag =
          | DROP
          | HIGHLIGHT
          | MOTION
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure DebugFlag :
        datatype flag =
          | MISC
          | MULTIHEAD
          | PLUGSOCKET
          | TEXT
          | TREE
          | UPDATES
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure CellRendererState :
        datatype flag =
          | INSENSITIVE
          | PRELIT
          | SELECTED
          | SORTED
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure CalendarDisplayOptions :
        datatype flag =
          | SHOW_DAY_NAMES
          | SHOW_HEADING
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ButtonAction :
        datatype flag =
          | EXPANDS
          | IGNORED
          | SELECTS
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure AttachOptions :
        datatype flag =
          | FILL
          | SHRINK
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ArgFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | CONSTRUCT
          | CONSTRUCT_ONLY
          | READABLE
          | WRITABLE
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure AccelFlags :
        datatype flag =
          | MASK
          | VISIBLE
        type t = flag list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure WrapMode :
        datatype t =
          | NONE
          | WORD
          | WORD_CHAR
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure WindowType :
        datatype t =
          | TOPLEVEL
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure WindowPosition :
        datatype t =
          | CENTER_ALWAYS
          | CENTER_ON_PARENT
          | MOUSE
          | NONE
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure WidgetHelpType :
        datatype t =
          | WHATS_THIS
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure Visibility :
        datatype t =
          | NONE
          | PARTIAL
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure UpdateType :
        datatype t =
          | DELAYED
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure TreeViewDropPosition :
        datatype t =
          | BEFORE
          | INTO_OR_AFTER
          | INTO_OR_BEFORE
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure TreeViewColumnSizing :
        datatype t =
          | FIXED
          | GROW_ONLY
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ToolbarStyle :
        datatype t =
          | BOTH_HORIZ
          | ICONS
          | TEXT
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ToolbarSpaceStyle :
        datatype t =
          | LINE
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ToolbarChildType :
        datatype t =
          | RADIOBUTTON
          | SPACE
          | TOGGLEBUTTON
          | WIDGET
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure TextWindowType :
        datatype t =
          | LEFT
          | PRIVATE
          | RIGHT
          | TEXT
          | TOP
          | WIDGET
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure TextDirection :
        datatype t =
          | NONE
          | RTL
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure SubmenuPlacement :
        datatype t =
          | TOP_BOTTOM
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure SubmenuDirection :
        datatype t =
          | RIGHT
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure StateType :
        datatype t =
          | INSENSITIVE
          | NORMAL
          | PRELIGHT
          | SELECTED
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure SpinType :
        datatype t =
          | HOME
          | PAGE_BACKWARD
          | PAGE_FORWARD
          | STEP_BACKWARD
          | STEP_FORWARD
          | USER_DEFINED
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure SpinButtonUpdatePolicy :
        datatype t =
          | IF_VALID
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure SortType :
        datatype t =
          | DESCENDING
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure SizeGroupMode :
        datatype t =
          | HORIZONTAL
          | NONE
          | VERTICAL
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure SideType :
        datatype t =
          | LEFT
          | RIGHT
          | TOP
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ShadowType :
        datatype t =
          | ETCHED_OUT
          | IN
          | NONE
          | OUT
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure SelectionMode :
        datatype t =
          | EXTENDED
          | MULTIPLE
          | NONE
          | SINGLE
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ScrollType :
        datatype t =
          | JUMP
          | NONE
          | PAGE_BACKWARD
          | PAGE_DOWN
          | PAGE_FORWARD
          | PAGE_LEFT
          | PAGE_RIGHT
          | PAGE_UP
          | START
          | STEP_BACKWARD
          | STEP_DOWN
          | STEP_FORWARD
          | STEP_LEFT
          | STEP_RIGHT
          | STEP_UP
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ScrollStep :
        datatype t =
          | PAGES
          | STEPS
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ResponseType :
        datatype t =
          | APPLY
          | CANCEL
          | CLOSE
          | DELETE_EVENT
          | HELP
          | NO
          | NONE
          | OK
          | REJECT
          | YES
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ResizeMode :
        datatype t =
          | PARENT
          | QUEUE
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ReliefStyle :
        datatype t =
          | NONE
          | NORMAL
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure RcTokenType :
        datatype t =
          | APPLICATION
          | BASE
          | BG
          | BG_PIXMAP
          | BIND
          | BINDING
          | CLASS
          | ENGINE
          | FG
          | FONT
          | FONTSET
          | FONT_NAME
          | GTK
          | HIGHEST
          | IM_MODULE_FILE
          | IM_MODULE_PATH
          | INCLUDE
          | INSENSITIVE
          | INVALID
          | LAST
          | LOWEST
          | LTR
          | MODULE_PATH
          | NORMAL
          | PIXMAP_PATH
          | PRELIGHT
          | RC
          | RTL
          | SELECTED
          | STOCK
          | STYLE
          | TEXT
          | THEME
          | WIDGET
          | WIDGET_CLASS
          | XTHICKNESS
          | YTHICKNESS
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ProgressBarStyle :
        datatype t =
          | DISCRETE
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ProgressBarOrientation :
        datatype t =
          | LEFT_TO_RIGHT
          | RIGHT_TO_LEFT
          | TOP_TO_BOTTOM
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure PreviewType :
        datatype t =
          | GRAYSCALE
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure PositionType :
        datatype t =
          | LEFT
          | RIGHT
          | TOP
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure PolicyType :
        datatype t =
          | AUTOMATIC
          | NEVER
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure PathType :
        datatype t =
          | WIDGET
          | WIDGET_CLASS
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure PathPriorityType :
        datatype t =
          | GTK
          | HIGHEST
          | LOWEST
          | RC
          | THEME
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure PackType :
        datatype t =
          | START
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure Orientation :
        datatype t =
          | VERTICAL
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure NotebookTab :
        datatype t =
          | LAST
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure MovementStep :
        datatype t =
          | DISPLAY_LINES
          | PAGES
          | PARAGRAPHS
          | PARAGRAPH_ENDS
          | WORDS
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure MetricType :
        datatype t =
          | INCHES
          | PIXELS
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure MessageType :
        datatype t =
          | INFO
          | QUESTION
          | WARNING
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure MenuDirectionType :
        datatype t =
          | NEXT
          | PARENT
          | PREV
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure MatchType :
        datatype t =
          | ALL_TAIL
          | EXACT
          | HEAD
          | LAST
          | TAIL
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure Justification :
        datatype t =
          | FILL
          | LEFT
          | RIGHT
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure IMStatusStyle :
        datatype t =
          | NOTHING
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure IMPreeditStyle :
        datatype t =
          | NONE
          | NOTHING
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ImageType :
        datatype t =
          | EMPTY
          | ICON_SET
          | IMAGE
          | PIXBUF
          | PIXMAP
          | STOCK
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure IconThemeError :
        datatype t =
          | NOT_FOUND
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure IconSize :
        datatype t =
          | DIALOG
          | DND
          | INVALID
          | LARGE_TOOLBAR
          | MENU
          | SMALL_TOOLBAR
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure FileChooserError :
        datatype t =
          | NONEXISTENT
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure FileChooserAction :
        datatype t =
          | OPEN
          | SAVE
          | SELECT_FOLDER
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ExpanderStyle :
        datatype t =
          | EXPANDED
          | SEMI_COLLAPSED
          | SEMI_EXPANDED
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure DirectionType :
        datatype t =
          | LEFT
          | RIGHT
          | TAB_BACKWARD
          | TAB_FORWARD
          | UP
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure DeleteType :
        datatype t =
          | DISPLAY_LINES
          | PARAGRAPHS
          | PARAGRAPH_ENDS
          | WHITESPACE
          | WORDS
          | WORD_ENDS
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure CurveType :
        datatype t =
          | LINEAR
          | SPLINE
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure CornerType :
        datatype t =
          | BOTTOM_RIGHT
          | TOP_LEFT
          | TOP_RIGHT
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure CellType :
        datatype t =
          | PIXMAP
          | PIXTEXT
          | TEXT
          | WIDGET
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure CellRendererMode :
        datatype t =
          | EDITABLE
          | INERT
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ButtonsType :
        datatype t =
          | CLOSE
          | NONE
          | OK
          | OK_CANCEL
          | YES_NO
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ButtonBoxStyle :
        datatype t =
          | EDGE
          | END
          | SPREAD
          | START
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure ArrowType :
        datatype t =
          | LEFT
          | RIGHT
          | UP
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure AnchorType :
        datatype t =
          | E
          | EAST
          | N
          | NE
          | NORTH
          | NORTH_EAST
          | NORTH_WEST
          | NW
          | S
          | SE
          | SOUTH
          | SOUTH_EAST
          | SOUTH_WEST
          | SW
          | W
          | WEST
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val toInt   : t -> int
        val fromInt : int -> t
    structure TreeRowReference :
        (* constructors *)
        val newProxy : object * object * object -> object
        val new : object * object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val reordered : object * object * object * int -> int
        val deleted : object * object -> unit
        val inserted : object * object -> unit
        val free : object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
        val valid : object -> bool
        val getPath : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure TreeIter :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val free : object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
    structure TextIter :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val order : object * object -> unit
        val inRange : object * object * object -> bool
        val compare : object * object -> int
        val equal : object * object -> bool
        val backwardSearch : object * string * TextSearchFlags.t * object * object * object -> bool
        val forwardSearch : object * string * TextSearchFlags.t * object * object * object -> bool
        val backwardFindChar : object * object * object * object -> bool
        val forwardFindChar : object * object * object * object -> bool
        val backwardToTagToggle : object * object -> bool
        val forwardToTagToggle : object * object -> bool
        val setVisibleLineIndex : object * int -> unit
        val setVisibleLineOffset : object * int -> unit
        val forwardToLineEnd : object -> bool
        val forwardToEnd : object -> unit
        val setLineIndex : object * int -> unit
        val setLineOffset : object * int -> unit
        val setLine : object * int -> unit
        val setOffset : object * int -> unit
        val backwardVisibleCursorPositions : object * int -> bool
        val forwardVisibleCursorPositions : object * int -> bool
        val backwardVisibleCursorPosition : object -> bool
        val forwardVisibleCursorPosition : object -> bool
        val backwardCursorPositions : object * int -> bool
        val forwardCursorPositions : object * int -> bool
        val backwardCursorPosition : object -> bool
        val forwardCursorPosition : object -> bool
        val backwardSentenceStarts : object * int -> bool
        val forwardSentenceEnds : object * int -> bool
        val backwardSentenceStart : object -> bool
        val forwardSentenceEnd : object -> bool
        val backwardVisibleWordStarts : object * int -> bool
        val forwardVisibleWordEnds : object * int -> bool
        val backwardVisibleWordStart : object -> bool
        val forwardVisibleWordEnd : object -> bool
        val backwardWordStarts : object * int -> bool
        val forwardWordEnds : object * int -> bool
        val backwardWordStart : object -> bool
        val forwardWordEnd : object -> bool
        val backwardLines : object * int -> bool
        val forwardLines : object * int -> bool
        val backwardLine : object -> bool
        val forwardLine : object -> bool
        val backwardChars : object * int -> bool
        val forwardChars : object * int -> bool
        val backwardChar : object -> bool
        val forwardChar : object -> bool
        val isStart : object -> bool
        val isEnd : object -> bool
        val getLanguage : object -> object
        val getAttributes : object * object -> bool
        val getBytesInLine : object -> int
        val getCharsInLine : object -> int
        val isCursorPosition : object -> bool
        val endsLine : object -> bool
        val startsLine : object -> bool
        val insideSentence : object -> bool
        val endsSentence : object -> bool
        val startsSentence : object -> bool
        val insideWord : object -> bool
        val endsWord : object -> bool
        val startsWord : object -> bool
        val canInsert : object * bool -> bool
        val editable : object * bool -> bool
        val getTags : object -> object list
        val hasTag : object * object -> bool
        val togglesTag : object * object -> bool
        val endsTag : object * object -> bool
        val beginsTag : object * object -> bool
        val getToggledTags : object * bool -> object list
        val getChildAnchor : object -> object
        val getMarks : object -> object list
        val getPixbuf : object -> object
        val getVisibleText : object * object -> string
        val getVisibleSlice : object * object -> string
        val getText : object * object -> string
        val getSlice : object * object -> string
        val getChar : object -> int
        val getVisibleLineIndex : object -> int
        val getVisibleLineOffset : object -> int
        val getLineIndex : object -> int
        val getLineOffset : object -> int
        val getLine : object -> int
        val getOffset : object -> int
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val free : object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
        val getBuffer : object -> object
    structure TextAttributes :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val reference : object -> unit
        val unref : object -> unit
        val copyValues : object * object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
        val getFieldWrapMode : object -> WrapMode.t
        val setFieldWrapMode : object * WrapMode.t -> unit
        val getFieldTabs : object -> object
        val setFieldTabs : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldRightMargin : object -> int
        val setFieldRightMargin : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldRealized : object -> int
        val setFieldRealized : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldPixelsInsideWrap : object -> int
        val setFieldPixelsInsideWrap : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldPixelsBelowLines : object -> int
        val setFieldPixelsBelowLines : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldPixelsAboveLines : object -> int
        val setFieldPixelsAboveLines : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldLeftMargin : object -> int
        val setFieldLeftMargin : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldLanguage : object -> object
        val setFieldLanguage : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldJustification : object -> Justification.t
        val setFieldJustification : object * Justification.t -> unit
        val getFieldInvisible : object -> int
        val setFieldInvisible : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldIndent : object -> int
        val setFieldIndent : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldFontScale : object -> real
        val setFieldFontScale : object * real -> unit
        val getFieldFont : object -> object
        val setFieldFont : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldEditable : object -> int
        val setFieldEditable : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldDirection : object -> TextDirection.t
        val setFieldDirection : object * TextDirection.t -> unit
        val getFieldBgFullHeight : object -> int
        val setFieldBgFullHeight : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldAppearance : object -> object
        val setFieldAppearance : object * object -> unit
    structure TextAppearance :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : { bg_color : object, bg_stipple : object, draw_bg : int, fg_color : object, fg_stipple : object, rise : int, strikethrough : int, underline : int } -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getFieldUnderline : object -> int
        val setFieldUnderline : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldStrikethrough : object -> int
        val setFieldStrikethrough : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldRise : object -> int
        val setFieldRise : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldFgStipple : object -> object
        val setFieldFgStipple : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldFgColor : object -> object
        val setFieldFgColor : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldDrawBg : object -> int
        val setFieldDrawBg : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldBgStipple : object -> object
        val setFieldBgStipple : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldBgColor : object -> object
        val setFieldBgColor : object * object -> unit
    structure SelectionData :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : { data : string, format : int, selection : Word32.word, target : Word32.word, ty : Word32.word } -> object
        (* methods *)
        val treeGetRowDragData : object -> bool * object * object
        val treeSetRowDragData : object * object * object -> bool
        val targetsIncludeImage : object * bool -> bool
        val getUris : object -> object
        val setUris : object * (string vector) -> bool
        val getPixbuf : object -> object
        val setPixbuf : object * object -> bool
        val free : object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val targetsIncludeText : object -> bool
        val getTargets : object * object * int -> bool * int
        val getText : object -> string
        val setText : object * string * int -> bool
        val set : object * Word32.word * int * string * int -> unit
        val getFieldType : object -> Word32.word
        val setFieldType : object * Word32.word -> unit
        val getFieldTarget : object -> Word32.word
        val setFieldTarget : object * Word32.word -> unit
        val getFieldSelection : object -> Word32.word
        val setFieldSelection : object * Word32.word -> unit
        val getFieldFormat : object -> int
        val setFieldFormat : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldData : object -> string
        val setFieldData : object * string -> unit
    structure Requisition :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : { height : int, width : int } -> object
        (* methods *)
        val free : object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldWidth : object -> int
        val setFieldWidth : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldHeight : object -> int
        val setFieldHeight : object * int -> unit
    structure IconSource :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getSize : object -> IconSize.t
        val getState : object -> StateType.t
        val getDirection : object -> TextDirection.t
        val setSize : object * IconSize.t -> unit
        val setState : object * StateType.t -> unit
        val setDirection : object * TextDirection.t -> unit
        val getDirectionWildcarded : object -> bool
        val getStateWildcarded : object -> bool
        val getSizeWildcarded : object -> bool
        val setSizeWildcarded : object * bool -> unit
        val setStateWildcarded : object * bool -> unit
        val setDirectionWildcarded : object * bool -> unit
        val getPixbuf : object -> object
        val getIconName : object -> string
        val getFilename : object -> string
        val setPixbuf : object * object -> unit
        val setIconName : object * string -> unit
        val setFilename : object * string -> unit
        val free : object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure IconSet :
        (* constructors *)
        val newFromPixbuf : object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getSizes : object * object * int -> int
        val addSource : object * object -> unit
        val renderIcon : object * object * TextDirection.t * StateType.t * IconSize.t * object * string -> object
        val copy : object -> object
        val unref : object -> unit
        val reference : object -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure IconInfo :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getDisplayName : object -> string
        val getAttachPoints : object * int -> bool * object * int
        val getEmbeddedRect : object * object -> bool
        val setRawCoordinates : object * bool -> unit
        val loadIcon : object -> object
        val getBuiltinPixbuf : object -> object
        val getFilename : object -> string
        val getBaseSize : object -> int
        val free : object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure Border :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val free : object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure TargetEntry :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : { flags : int, info : int, target : string } -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getFieldTarget : object -> string
        val setFieldTarget : object * string -> unit
        val getFieldInfo : object -> int
        val setFieldInfo : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldFlags : object -> int
        val setFieldFlags : object * int -> unit
    structure TreePath :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val isDescendant : object * object -> bool
        val isAncestor : object * object -> bool
        val down : object -> unit
        val up : object -> int
        val prev : object -> int
        val next : object -> unit
        val compare : object * object -> int
        val copy : object -> object
        val free : object -> unit
        val getDepth : object -> int
        val prependIndex : object * int -> unit
        val appendIndex : object * int -> unit
        val newFirst : unit -> object
        val toString : object -> string
        val newFromIndices : int -> object
        val newFromString : string -> object
    structure BindingSet :
        (* constructors *)
        val find : string -> object
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val addPath : object * PathType.t * string * PathPriorityType.t -> unit
        val activate : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t * object -> bool
        val byClass : object -> object
    structure WindowGroup :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val removeWindow : object * object -> unit
        val addWindow : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Window :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : WindowType.t -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setDefaultIconName : string -> unit
        val getIconName : object -> string
        val setIconName : object * string -> unit
        val getFocusOnMap : object -> bool
        val setFocusOnMap : object * bool -> unit
        val addEmbeddedXid : object * int -> unit
        val removeEmbeddedXid : object * int -> unit
        val reshowWithInitialSize : object -> unit
        val parseGeometry : object * string -> bool
        val getPosition : object * int * int -> int * int
        val move : object * int * int -> unit
        val getSize : object * int * int -> int * int
        val resize : object * int * int -> unit
        val getDefaultSize : object * int * int -> int * int
        val setDefaultSize : object * int * int -> unit
        val beginMoveDrag : object * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val beginResizeDrag : object * Gdk.WindowEdge.t * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val setKeepBelow : object * bool -> unit
        val setKeepAbove : object * bool -> unit
        val unfullscreen : object -> unit
        val fullscreen : object -> unit
        val unmaximize : object -> unit
        val maximize : object -> unit
        val unstick : object -> unit
        val stick : object -> unit
        val deiconify : object -> unit
        val iconify : object -> unit
        val present : object -> unit
        val propagateKeyEvent : object * object -> bool
        val activateKey : object * object -> bool
        val getMnemonicModifier : object -> Gdk.ModifierType.t
        val setMnemonicModifier : object * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> unit
        val mnemonicActivate : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> bool
        val removeMnemonic : object * int * object -> unit
        val addMnemonic : object * int * object -> unit
        val listToplevels : unit -> object list
        val getModal : object -> bool
        val setModal : object * bool -> unit
        val setAutoStartupNotification : bool -> unit
        val setDefaultIconFromFile : string -> unit
        val setDefaultIcon : object -> unit
        val getDefaultIconList : unit -> object list
        val setDefaultIconList : (object list) -> unit
        val getIcon : object -> object
        val setIconFromFile : object * string -> unit
        val setIcon : object * object -> unit
        val getIconList : object -> object list
        val setIconList : object * (object list) -> unit
        val getDecorated : object -> bool
        val setDecorated : object * bool -> unit
        val getFrameDimensions : object * int * int * int * int -> int * int * int * int
        val setFrameDimensions : object * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val getHasFrame : object -> bool
        val setHasFrame : object * bool -> unit
        val hasToplevelFocus : object -> bool
        val isActive : object -> bool
        val getScreen : object -> object
        val setScreen : object * object -> unit
        val getGravity : object -> Gdk.Gravity.t
        val setGravity : object * Gdk.Gravity.t -> unit
        val getResizable : object -> bool
        val setResizable : object * bool -> unit
        val getDestroyWithParent : object -> bool
        val setDestroyWithParent : object * bool -> unit
        val getAcceptFocus : object -> bool
        val setAcceptFocus : object * bool -> unit
        val getSkipPagerHint : object -> bool
        val setSkipPagerHint : object * bool -> unit
        val getSkipTaskbarHint : object -> bool
        val setSkipTaskbarHint : object * bool -> unit
        val getTypeHint : object -> Gdk.WindowTypeHint.t
        val setTypeHint : object * Gdk.WindowTypeHint.t -> unit
        val getTransientFor : object -> object
        val setTransientFor : object * object -> unit
        val activateDefault : object -> bool
        val setDefault : object * object -> unit
        val getFocus : object -> object
        val setFocus : object * object -> unit
        val activateFocus : object -> bool
        val setPosition : object * WindowPosition.t -> unit
        val removeAccelGroup : object * object -> unit
        val addAccelGroup : object * object -> unit
        val getRole : object -> string
        val setRole : object * string -> unit
        val setWmclass : object * string * string -> unit
        val getTitle : object -> string
        val setTitle : object * string -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val tooltipsGetInfoFromTipWindow : object -> bool * object * object
        val getFieldWmclassName : object -> string
        val setFieldWmclassName : object * string -> unit
        val getFieldWmclassClass : object -> string
        val setFieldWmclassClass : object * string -> unit
        val getFieldWmRole : object -> string
        val setFieldWmRole : object * string -> unit
        val getFieldTypeHint : object -> int
        val setFieldTypeHint : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldType : object -> int
        val setFieldType : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldTransientParent : object -> object
        val setFieldTransientParent : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldTitle : object -> string
        val setFieldTitle : object * string -> unit
        val getFieldStickInitially : object -> int
        val setFieldStickInitially : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldPosition : object -> int
        val setFieldPosition : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldNeedDefaultSize : object -> int
        val setFieldNeedDefaultSize : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldNeedDefaultPosition : object -> int
        val setFieldNeedDefaultPosition : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldModal : object -> int
        val setFieldModal : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldMnemonicModifier : object -> Gdk.ModifierType.t
        val setFieldMnemonicModifier : object * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> unit
        val getFieldMaximizeInitially : object -> int
        val setFieldMaximizeInitially : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldKeysChangedHandler : object -> int
        val setFieldKeysChangedHandler : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldIconifyInitially : object -> int
        val setFieldIconifyInitially : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldHasUserRefCount : object -> int
        val setFieldHasUserRefCount : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldHasFrame : object -> int
        val setFieldHasFrame : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldHasFocus : object -> int
        val setFieldHasFocus : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldGroup : object -> object
        val setFieldGroup : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldGravity : object -> int
        val setFieldGravity : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldFrameTop : object -> int
        val setFieldFrameTop : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldFrameRight : object -> int
        val setFieldFrameRight : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldFrameLeft : object -> int
        val setFieldFrameLeft : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldFrameBottom : object -> int
        val setFieldFrameBottom : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldFrame : object -> object
        val setFieldFrame : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldFocusWidget : object -> object
        val setFieldFocusWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldDestroyWithParent : object -> int
        val setFieldDestroyWithParent : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldDefaultWidget : object -> object
        val setFieldDefaultWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldDecorated : object -> int
        val setFieldDecorated : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldConfigureRequestCount : object -> int
        val setFieldConfigureRequestCount : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldConfigureNotifyReceived : object -> int
        val setFieldConfigureNotifyReceived : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldAllowShrink : object -> int
        val setFieldAllowShrink : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldAllowGrow : object -> int
        val setFieldAllowGrow : object * int -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure Widget :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : gtype * string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val removeMnemonicLabel : object * object -> unit
        val addMnemonicLabel : object * object -> unit
        val listMnemonicLabels : object -> object list
        val classPath : object * int * (string vector) * (string vector) -> int
        val path : object * int * (string vector) * (string vector) -> int
        val resetShapes : object -> unit
        val shapeCombineMask : object * object * int * int -> unit
        val getDefaultDirection : unit -> TextDirection.t
        val setDefaultDirection : TextDirection.t -> unit
        val getDirection : object -> TextDirection.t
        val setDirection : object * TextDirection.t -> unit
        val getDefaultVisual : unit -> object
        val getDefaultColormap : unit -> object
        val setDefaultColormap : object -> unit
        val getDefaultStyle : unit -> object
        val styleGet : object * string -> unit
        val styleGetProperty : object * string -> gvalue
        val classFindStyleProperty : object * string -> object
        val classInstallStylePropertyParser : object * object * object -> unit
        val classInstallStyleProperty : object * object -> unit
        val popColormap : unit -> unit
        val popCompositeChild : unit -> unit
        val pushCompositeChild : unit -> unit
        val pushColormap : object -> unit
        val resetRcStyles : object -> unit
        val getCompositeName : object -> string
        val setCompositeName : object * string -> unit
        val renderIcon : object * string * IconSize.t * string -> object
        val createPangoLayout : object * string -> object
        val getPangoContext : object -> object
        val createPangoContext : object -> object
        val modifyFont : object * object -> unit
        val modifyBase : object * StateType.t * object -> unit
        val modifyText : object * StateType.t * object -> unit
        val modifyBg : object * StateType.t * object -> unit
        val modifyFg : object * StateType.t * object -> unit
        val getModifierStyle : object -> object
        val modifyStyle : object * object -> unit
        val getStyle : object -> object
        val ensureStyle : object -> unit
        val setStyle : object * object -> unit
        val hideOnDelete : object -> bool
        val translateCoordinates : object * object * int * int * int * int -> bool * int * int
        val isAncestor : object * object -> bool
        val getPointer : object * int * int -> int * int
        val getEvents : object -> int
        val setColormap : object * object -> unit
        val getAccessible : object -> object
        val getClipboard : object * Word32.word -> object
        val getSettings : object -> object
        val getRootWindow : object -> object
        val getDisplay : object -> object
        val hasScreen : object -> bool
        val getScreen : object -> object
        val getVisual : object -> object
        val getColormap : object -> object
        val getAncestor : object * gtype -> object
        val getToplevel : object -> object
        val getExtensionEvents : object -> Gdk.ExtensionMode.t
        val setExtensionEvents : object * Gdk.ExtensionMode.t -> unit
        val addEvents : object * int -> unit
        val setEvents : object * int -> unit
        val getSizeRequest : object * int * int -> int * int
        val setSizeRequest : object * int * int -> unit
        val childFocus : object * DirectionType.t -> bool
        val getParentWindow : object -> object
        val getParent : object -> object
        val getChildVisible : object -> bool
        val setChildVisible : object * bool -> unit
        val setParentWindow : object * object -> unit
        val setParent : object * object -> unit
        val setRedrawOnAllocate : object * bool -> unit
        val setDoubleBuffered : object * bool -> unit
        val setAppPaintable : object * bool -> unit
        val setSensitive : object * bool -> unit
        val setState : object * StateType.t -> unit
        val getName : object -> string
        val setName : object * string -> unit
        val grabDefault : object -> unit
        val grabFocus : object -> unit
        val isFocus : object -> bool
        val thawChildNotify : object -> unit
        val childNotify : object * string -> unit
        val freezeChildNotify : object -> unit
        val regionIntersect : object * object -> object
        val intersect : object * object * object -> bool
        val reparent : object * object -> unit
        val setScrollAdjustments : object * object * object -> bool
        val activate : object -> bool
        val sendExpose : object * object -> int
        val event : object * object -> bool
        val mnemonicActivate : object * bool -> bool
        val canActivateAccel : object * int -> bool
        val listAccelClosures : object -> object list
        val setAccelPath : object * string * object -> unit
        val removeAccelerator : object * object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> bool
        val addAccelerator : object * string * object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t * AccelFlags.t -> unit
        val getChildRequisition : object * object -> unit
        val sizeAllocate : object * object -> unit
        val sizeRequest : object * object -> unit
        val draw : object * object -> unit
        val queueResizeNoRedraw : object -> unit
        val queueResize : object -> unit
        val queueClearArea : object * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val queueClear : object -> unit
        val queueDrawArea : object * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val queueDraw : object -> unit
        val unrealize : object -> unit
        val realize : object -> unit
        val unmap : object -> unit
        val map : object -> unit
        val getNoShowAll : object -> bool
        val setNoShowAll : object * bool -> unit
        val hideAll : object -> unit
        val showAll : object -> unit
        val hide : object -> unit
        val showNow : object -> unit
        val show : object -> unit
        val unparent : object -> unit
        val set : object * string -> unit
        val destroyed : object -> object
        val destroy : object -> unit
        val unref : object -> unit
        val reference : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val selectionClear : object * object -> bool
        val selectionRemoveAll : object -> unit
        val selectionConvert : object * Word32.word * Word32.word * int -> bool
        val selectionClearTargets : object * Word32.word -> unit
        val selectionAddTargets : object * Word32.word * object * int -> unit
        val selectionAddTarget : object * Word32.word * Word32.word * int -> unit
        val selectionOwnerSet : object * Word32.word * int -> bool
        val rcGetStyle : object -> object
        val menuGetForAttachWidget : object -> object list
        val propagateEvent : object * object -> unit
        val grabRemove : object -> unit
        val grabAdd : object -> unit
        val dragSourceAddTextTargets : object -> unit
        val dragDestAddUriTargets : object -> unit
        val dragDestAddImageTargets : object -> unit
        val dragDestAddTextTargets : object -> unit
        val dragBegin : object * object * Gdk.DragAction.t * int * object -> object
        val dragSourceSetTargetList : object * object -> unit
        val dragSourceGetTargetList : object -> object
        val dragSourceSetIconStock : object * string -> unit
        val dragSourceSetIconPixbuf : object * object -> unit
        val dragSourceSetIcon : object * object * object * object -> unit
        val dragSourceUnset : object -> unit
        val dragSourceSet : object * Gdk.ModifierType.t * (object vector) * Gdk.DragAction.t -> unit
        val dragDestSetTargetList : object * object -> unit
        val dragDestGetTargetList : object -> object
        val dragDestFindTarget : object * object * object -> Word32.word
        val dragDestUnset : object -> unit
        val dragDestSetProxy : object * object * Gdk.DragProtocol.t * bool -> unit
        val dragDestSet : object * DestDefaults.t * (object vector) * Gdk.DragAction.t -> unit
        val dragUnhighlight : object -> unit
        val dragHighlight : object -> unit
        val dragGetData : object * object * Word32.word * int -> unit
        val dragCheckThreshold : object * int * int * int * int -> bool
        val getFieldWindow : object -> object
        val setFieldWindow : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldStyle : object -> object
        val setFieldStyle : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldState : object -> int
        val setFieldState : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldSavedState : object -> int
        val setFieldSavedState : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldParent : object -> object
        val setFieldParent : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldName : object -> string
        val setFieldName : object * string -> unit
        val getFieldAllocation : object -> object
        val setFieldAllocation : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
        val sensitive : bool prop
        val hasDefault : bool prop
        val hasFocus : bool prop
        val canFocus : bool prop
        val canDefault : bool prop
    structure VSeparator :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure VScrollbar :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure VScale :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithRange : real * real * real -> object
        val new : object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure VRuler :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure VPaned :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Viewport :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : object * object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getShadowType : object -> ShadowType.t
        val setShadowType : object * ShadowType.t -> unit
        val setVadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val setHadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val getVadjustment : object -> object
        val getHadjustment : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure VButtonBox :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setLayoutDefault : ButtonBoxStyle.t -> unit
        val getLayoutDefault : unit -> ButtonBoxStyle.t
        val setSpacingDefault : int -> unit
        val getSpacingDefault : unit -> int
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure VBox :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : bool * int -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure UIManager :
        (* constructors *)
        val gtkUiManagerNew : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val newMergeId : object -> int
        val ensureUpdate : object -> unit
        val getUi : object -> string
        val removeUi : object * int -> unit
        val addUi : object * int * string * string * string * UIManagerItemType.t * bool -> unit
        val addUiFromFile : object * string -> int
        val addUiFromString : object * string * object -> int
        val getAction : object * string -> object
        val getToplevels : object * UIManagerItemType.t -> object list
        val getWidget : object * string -> object
        val getAccelGroup : object -> object
        val getActionGroups : object -> object list
        val removeActionGroup : object * object -> unit
        val insertActionGroup : object * object * int -> unit
        val getAddTearoffs : object -> bool
        val setAddTearoffs : object * bool -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure TreeViewColumn :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithAttributes : string * object -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val cellGetPosition : object * object * int * int -> int * int
        val focusCell : object * object -> unit
        val cellIsVisible : object -> bool
        val cellGetSize : object * object * int * int * int * int -> int * int * int * int
        val cellSetCellData : object * object * object * bool * bool -> unit
        val getSortOrder : object -> SortType.t
        val setSortOrder : object * SortType.t -> unit
        val getSortIndicator : object -> bool
        val setSortIndicator : object * bool -> unit
        val getSortColumnId : object -> int
        val setSortColumnId : object * int -> unit
        val getReorderable : object -> bool
        val setReorderable : object * bool -> unit
        val getAlignment : object -> real
        val setAlignment : object * real -> unit
        val getWidget : object -> object
        val setWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getClickable : object -> bool
        val setClickable : object * bool -> unit
        val getExpand : object -> bool
        val setExpand : object * bool -> unit
        val getTitle : object -> string
        val setTitle : object * string -> unit
        val clicked : object -> unit
        val getMaxWidth : object -> int
        val setMaxWidth : object * int -> unit
        val getMinWidth : object -> int
        val setMinWidth : object * int -> unit
        val setFixedWidth : object * int -> unit
        val getFixedWidth : object -> int
        val getWidth : object -> int
        val getSizing : object -> int
        val setSizing : object * TreeViewColumnSizing.t -> unit
        val getResizable : object -> bool
        val setResizable : object * bool -> unit
        val getVisible : object -> bool
        val setVisible : object * bool -> unit
        val getSpacing : object -> int
        val setSpacing : object * int -> unit
        val clearAttributes : object * object -> unit
        val setCellDataFunc : object * object * Core.object * object * object -> unit
        val setAttributes : object * object -> unit
        val addAttribute : object * object * string * int -> unit
        val getCellRenderers : object -> object list
        val clear : object -> unit
        val packEnd : object * object * bool -> unit
        val packStart : object * object * bool -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TreeView :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithModel : object -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getHoverExpand : object -> bool
        val setHoverExpand : object * bool -> unit
        val getHoverSelection : object -> bool
        val setHoverSelection : object * bool -> unit
        val getFixedHeightMode : object -> bool
        val setFixedHeightMode : object * bool -> unit
        val setSearchColumn : object * int -> unit
        val getSearchColumn : object -> int
        val getEnableSearch : object -> bool
        val setEnableSearch : object * bool -> unit
        val createRowDragIcon : object * object -> object
        val getDestRowAtPos : object * int * int * TreeViewDropPosition.t -> bool * object * TreeViewDropPosition.t
        val getDragDestRow : object * TreeViewDropPosition.t -> object * TreeViewDropPosition.t
        val setDragDestRow : object * object * TreeViewDropPosition.t -> unit
        val unsetRowsDragDest : object -> unit
        val unsetRowsDragSource : object -> unit
        val enableModelDragDest : object * (object vector) * Gdk.DragAction.t -> unit
        val enableModelDragSource : object * Gdk.ModifierType.t * (object vector) * Gdk.DragAction.t -> unit
        val treeToWidgetCoords : object * int * int * int * int -> int * int
        val widgetToTreeCoords : object * int * int * int * int -> int * int
        val getVisibleRect : object * object -> unit
        val getBackgroundArea : object * object * object * object -> unit
        val getCellArea : object * object * object * object -> unit
        val getPathAtPos : object * int * int * int * int -> bool * object * object * int * int
        val getBinWindow : object -> object
        val getCursor : object -> object * object
        val setCursorOnCell : object * object * object * object * bool -> unit
        val setCursor : object * object * object * bool -> unit
        val getReorderable : object -> bool
        val setReorderable : object * bool -> unit
        val rowExpanded : object * object -> bool
        val collapseRow : object * object -> unit
        val expandRow : object * object * bool -> bool
        val expandToPath : object * object -> unit
        val collapseAll : object -> unit
        val expandAll : object -> unit
        val rowActivated : object * object * object -> unit
        val scrollToCell : object * object * object * bool * real * real -> unit
        val scrollToPoint : object * int * int -> unit
        val getExpanderColumn : object -> object
        val setExpanderColumn : object * object -> unit
        val moveColumnAfter : object * object * object -> unit
        val getColumns : object -> object list
        val getColumn : object * int -> object
        val insertColumnWithAttributes : object * int * string * object -> int
        val insertColumn : object * object * int -> int
        val removeColumn : object * object -> int
        val appendColumn : object * object -> int
        val getRulesHint : object -> bool
        val setRulesHint : object * bool -> unit
        val setHeadersClickable : object * bool -> unit
        val columnsAutosize : object -> unit
        val setHeadersVisible : object * bool -> unit
        val getHeadersVisible : object -> bool
        val setVadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val getVadjustment : object -> object
        val setHadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val getHadjustment : object -> object
        val getSelection : object -> object
        val setModel : object * object -> unit
        val getModel : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
        val searchColumn : int prop
        val reorderable : bool prop
        val headersVisible : bool prop
        val headersClickable : bool prop
        val enableSearch : bool prop
        val indentExpanders : bool prop
        val allowRules : bool prop
        val verticalSeparator : int prop
        val horizontalSeparator : int prop
        val expanderSize : int prop
        val oddRowColor : object prop
        val evenRowColor : object prop
    structure TreeStore :
        (* constructors *)
        val newv : int * object -> object
        val new : int -> object
        (* methods *)
        val moveBefore : object * object * object -> unit
        val moveAfter : object * object * object -> unit
        val swap : object * object * object -> unit
        val reorder : object * object * int -> int
        val iterIsValid : object * object -> bool
        val clear : object -> unit
        val iterDepth : object * object -> int
        val isAncestor : object * object * object -> bool
        val append : object * object * object -> unit
        val prepend : object * object * object -> unit
        val insertAfter : object * object * object * object -> unit
        val insertBefore : object * object * object * object -> unit
        val insert : object * object * object * int -> unit
        val remove : object * object -> bool
        val set : object * object -> unit
        val setValue : object * object * int * gvalue -> unit
        val setColumnTypes : object * int * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TreeSelection :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val unselectRange : object * object * object -> unit
        val selectRange : object * object * object -> unit
        val unselectAll : object -> unit
        val selectAll : object -> unit
        val iterIsSelected : object * object -> bool
        val pathIsSelected : object * object -> bool
        val unselectIter : object * object -> unit
        val selectIter : object * object -> unit
        val unselectPath : object * object -> unit
        val selectPath : object * object -> unit
        val countSelectedRows : object -> int
        val getSelectedRows : object -> (object list) * object
        val getSelected : object * object -> bool * object
        val getTreeView : object -> object
        val getUserData : object -> object
        val getMode : object -> SelectionMode.t
        val setMode : object * SelectionMode.t -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TreeModelSort :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithModel : object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val iterIsValid : object * object -> bool
        val clearCache : object -> unit
        val resetDefaultSortFunc : object -> unit
        val convertIterToChildIter : object * object * object -> unit
        val convertPathToChildPath : object * object -> object
        val convertChildIterToIter : object * object * object -> unit
        val convertChildPathToPath : object * object -> object
        val getModel : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TreeModelFilter :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val clearCache : object -> unit
        val refilter : object -> unit
        val convertPathToChildPath : object * object -> object
        val convertChildPathToPath : object * object -> object
        val convertIterToChildIter : object * object * object -> unit
        val convertChildIterToIter : object * object * object -> unit
        val getModel : object -> object
        val setVisibleColumn : object * int -> unit
        val setModifyFunc : object * int * object * Core.object * object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Tooltips :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val forceWindow : object -> unit
        val dataGet : object -> object
        val setTip : object * object * string * string -> unit
        val disable : object -> unit
        val enable : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldUseStickyDelay : object -> int
        val setFieldUseStickyDelay : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldTipsDataList : object -> object list
        val setFieldTipsDataList : object * (object list) -> unit
        val getFieldTipWindow : object -> object
        val setFieldTipWindow : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldTipLabel : object -> object
        val setFieldTipLabel : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldTimerTag : object -> int
        val setFieldTimerTag : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldEnabled : object -> int
        val setFieldEnabled : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldDelay : object -> int
        val setFieldDelay : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldActiveTipsData : object -> object
        val setFieldActiveTipsData : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure ToolItem :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val rebuildMenu : object -> unit
        val getProxyMenuItem : object * string -> object
        val setProxyMenuItem : object * string * object -> unit
        val retrieveProxyMenuItem : object -> object
        val getReliefStyle : object -> ReliefStyle.t
        val getToolbarStyle : object -> ToolbarStyle.t
        val getOrientation : object -> Orientation.t
        val getIconSize : object -> IconSize.t
        val getIsImportant : object -> bool
        val setIsImportant : object * bool -> unit
        val getVisibleVertical : object -> bool
        val setVisibleVertical : object * bool -> unit
        val getVisibleHorizontal : object -> bool
        val setVisibleHorizontal : object * bool -> unit
        val getUseDragWindow : object -> bool
        val setUseDragWindow : object * bool -> unit
        val setTooltip : object * object * string * string -> unit
        val getExpand : object -> bool
        val setExpand : object * bool -> unit
        val getHomogeneous : object -> bool
        val setHomogeneous : object * bool -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure ToolButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : object * string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getLabelWidget : object -> object
        val setLabelWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getIconWidget : object -> object
        val setIconWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getStockId : object -> string
        val setStockId : object * string -> unit
        val getUseUnderline : object -> bool
        val setUseUnderline : object * bool -> unit
        val getLabel : object -> string
        val setLabel : object * string -> unit
        val newFromStock : string -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Toolbar :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getTooltips : object -> bool
        val getIconSize : object -> IconSize.t
        val getStyle : object -> ToolbarStyle.t
        val getOrientation : object -> Orientation.t
        val unsetStyle : object -> unit
        val setTooltips : object * bool -> unit
        val setStyle : object * ToolbarStyle.t -> unit
        val setOrientation : object * Orientation.t -> unit
        val getReliefStyle : object -> ReliefStyle.t
        val getShowArrow : object -> bool
        val setShowArrow : object * bool -> unit
        val setDropHighlightItem : object * object * int -> unit
        val getDropIndex : object * int * int -> int
        val getNthItem : object * int -> object
        val getNItems : object -> int
        val getItemIndex : object * object -> int
        val insert : object * object * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure ToggleToolButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getActive : object -> bool
        val setActive : object * bool -> unit
        val newFromStock : string -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure ToggleButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithMnemonic : string -> object
        val newWithLabel : string -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getInconsistent : object -> bool
        val setInconsistent : object * bool -> unit
        val toggled : object -> unit
        val getActive : object -> bool
        val setActive : object * bool -> unit
        val getMode : object -> bool
        val setMode : object * bool -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldDrawIndicator : object -> bool
        val setFieldDrawIndicator : object * bool -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure ToggleAction :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string * string * string * string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getDrawAsRadio : object -> bool
        val setDrawAsRadio : object * bool -> unit
        val getActive : object -> bool
        val setActive : object * bool -> unit
        val toggled : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TextView :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithBuffer : object -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getDefaultAttributes : object -> object
        val getTabs : object -> object
        val setTabs : object * object -> unit
        val getIndent : object -> int
        val setIndent : object * int -> unit
        val getRightMargin : object -> int
        val setRightMargin : object * int -> unit
        val getLeftMargin : object -> int
        val setLeftMargin : object * int -> unit
        val getJustification : object -> Justification.t
        val setJustification : object * Justification.t -> unit
        val getPixelsInsideWrap : object -> int
        val setPixelsInsideWrap : object * int -> unit
        val getPixelsBelowLines : object -> int
        val setPixelsBelowLines : object * int -> unit
        val getPixelsAboveLines : object -> int
        val setPixelsAboveLines : object * int -> unit
        val getAcceptsTab : object -> bool
        val setAcceptsTab : object * bool -> unit
        val getOverwrite : object -> bool
        val setOverwrite : object * bool -> unit
        val getEditable : object -> bool
        val setEditable : object * bool -> unit
        val getWrapMode : object -> WrapMode.t
        val setWrapMode : object * WrapMode.t -> unit
        val moveChild : object * object * int * int -> unit
        val addChildInWindow : object * object * TextWindowType.t * int * int -> unit
        val addChildAtAnchor : object * object * object -> unit
        val moveVisually : object * object * int -> bool
        val startsDisplayLine : object * object -> bool
        val backwardDisplayLineStart : object * object -> bool
        val forwardDisplayLineEnd : object * object -> bool
        val backwardDisplayLine : object * object -> bool
        val forwardDisplayLine : object * object -> bool
        val getBorderWindowSize : object * TextWindowType.t -> int
        val setBorderWindowSize : object * TextWindowType.t * int -> unit
        val getWindowType : object * object -> TextWindowType.t
        val getWindow : object * TextWindowType.t -> object
        val windowToBufferCoords : object * TextWindowType.t * int * int * int * int -> int * int
        val bufferToWindowCoords : object * TextWindowType.t * int * int * int * int -> int * int
        val getLineAtY : object * object * int * int -> int
        val getLineYrange : object * object * int * int -> int * int
        val getIterAtPosition : object * object * int * int * int -> int
        val getIterAtLocation : object * object * int * int -> unit
        val getIterLocation : object * object * object -> unit
        val getCursorVisible : object -> bool
        val setCursorVisible : object * bool -> unit
        val getVisibleRect : object * object -> unit
        val placeCursorOnscreen : object -> bool
        val moveMarkOnscreen : object * object -> bool
        val scrollMarkOnscreen : object * object -> unit
        val scrollToMark : object * object * real * bool * real * real -> unit
        val scrollToIter : object * object * real * bool * real * real -> bool
        val getBuffer : object -> object
        val setBuffer : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TextTagTable :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getSize : object -> int
        val foreach : object * object * object -> unit
        val lookup : object * string -> object
        val remove : object * object -> unit
        val add : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TextTag :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val event : object * object * object * object -> bool
        val setPriority : object * int -> unit
        val getPriority : object -> int
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
        val weightSet : bool prop
        val weight : int prop
        val sizeSet : bool prop
        val size : int prop
        val styleSet : bool prop
        val style : Pango.Style.t prop
        val name : string prop
        val editableSet : bool prop
        val editable : bool prop
        val foregroundGdk : object prop
        val foreground : string prop
        val fontDesc : object prop
        val font : string prop
        val backgroundGdk : object prop
        val background : string prop
    structure TextMark :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getLeftGravity : object -> bool
        val getBuffer : object -> object
        val getDeleted : object -> bool
        val getName : object -> string
        val getVisible : object -> bool
        val setVisible : object * bool -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TextChildAnchor :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getDeleted : object -> bool
        val getWidgets : object -> object list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TextBuffer :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val backspace : object * object * bool * bool -> bool
        val endUserAction : object -> unit
        val beginUserAction : object -> unit
        val deleteSelection : object * bool * bool -> bool
        val getSelectionBounds : object * object * object -> bool
        val pasteClipboard : object * object * object * bool -> unit
        val copyClipboard : object * object -> unit
        val cutClipboard : object * object * bool -> unit
        val removeSelectionClipboard : object * object -> unit
        val addSelectionClipboard : object * object -> unit
        val setModified : object * bool -> unit
        val getModified : object -> bool
        val getIterAtChildAnchor : object * object * object -> unit
        val getIterAtMark : object * object * object -> unit
        val getBounds : object * object * object -> unit
        val getEndIter : object * object -> unit
        val getStartIter : object * object -> unit
        val getIterAtLine : object * object * int -> unit
        val getIterAtOffset : object * object * int -> unit
        val getIterAtLineIndex : object * object * int * int -> unit
        val getIterAtLineOffset : object * object * int * int -> unit
        val createTag : object * string * string -> object
        val removeAllTags : object * object * object -> unit
        val removeTagByName : object * string * object * object -> unit
        val applyTagByName : object * string * object * object -> unit
        val removeTag : object * object * object * object -> unit
        val applyTag : object * object * object * object -> unit
        val selectRange : object * object * object -> unit
        val placeCursor : object * object -> unit
        val getSelectionBound : object -> object
        val getInsert : object -> object
        val deleteMarkByName : object * string -> unit
        val moveMarkByName : object * string * object -> unit
        val getMark : object * string -> object
        val deleteMark : object * object -> unit
        val moveMark : object * object * object -> unit
        val createMark : object * string * object * bool -> object
        val createChildAnchor : object * object -> object
        val insertChildAnchor : object * object * object -> unit
        val insertPixbuf : object * object * object -> unit
        val getSlice : object * object * object * bool -> string
        val getText : object * object * object * bool -> string
        val deleteInteractive : object * object * object * bool -> bool
        val delete : object * object * object -> unit
        val insertWithTagsByName : object * object * string * int * string -> unit
        val insertWithTags : object * object * string * int * object -> unit
        val insertRangeInteractive : object * object * object * object * bool -> bool
        val insertRange : object * object * object * object -> unit
        val insertInteractiveAtCursor : object * string * int * bool -> bool
        val insertInteractive : object * object * string * int * bool -> bool
        val insertAtCursor : object * string * int -> unit
        val insert : object * object * string * int -> unit
        val setText : object * string * int -> unit
        val getTagTable : object -> object
        val getCharCount : object -> int
        val getLineCount : object -> int
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldTagTable : object -> object
        val setFieldTagTable : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure TearoffMenuItem :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Table :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : int * int * bool -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getHomogeneous : object -> bool
        val setHomogeneous : object * bool -> unit
        val getDefaultColSpacing : object -> int
        val setColSpacings : object * int -> unit
        val getDefaultRowSpacing : object -> int
        val setRowSpacings : object * int -> unit
        val getColSpacing : object * int -> int
        val setColSpacing : object * int * int -> unit
        val getRowSpacing : object * int -> int
        val setRowSpacing : object * int * int -> unit
        val attachDefaults : object * object * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val attach : object * object * int * int * int * int * AttachOptions.t * AttachOptions.t * int * int -> unit
        val resize : object * int * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Style :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val paintResizeGrip : object * object * StateType.t * object * object * string * Gdk.WindowEdge.t * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintLayout : object * object * StateType.t * bool * object * object * string * int * int * object -> unit
        val paintExpander : object * object * StateType.t * object * object * string * int * int * ExpanderStyle.t -> unit
        val paintHandle : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int * Orientation.t -> unit
        val paintSlider : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int * Orientation.t -> unit
        val paintFocus : object * object * StateType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintExtension : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int * PositionType.t -> unit
        val paintBoxGap : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int * PositionType.t * int * int -> unit
        val paintShadowGap : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int * PositionType.t * int * int -> unit
        val paintTab : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintOption : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintCheck : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintFlatBox : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintBox : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintDiamond : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintArrow : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * ArrowType.t * bool * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintPolygon : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * object * int * bool -> unit
        val paintShadow : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintVLine : object * object * StateType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int -> unit
        val paintHline : object * object * StateType.t * object * object * string * int * int * int -> unit
        val drawCheck : object * object * StateType.t * ShadowType.t * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val renderIcon : object * object * TextDirection.t * StateType.t * IconSize.t * object * string -> object
        val lookupIconSet : object * string -> object
        val applyDefaultBackground : object * object * bool * StateType.t * object * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val setBackground : object * object * StateType.t -> unit
        val detach : object -> unit
        val attach : object * object -> object
        val copy : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Statusbar :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getHasResizeGrip : object -> bool
        val setHasResizeGrip : object * bool -> unit
        val remove : object * int * int -> unit
        val pop : object * int -> unit
        val push : object * int * string -> int
        val getContextId : object * string -> int
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure SpinButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithRange : real * real * real -> object
        val new : object * real * int -> object
        (* methods *)
        val update : object -> unit
        val getSnapToTicks : object -> bool
        val setSnapToTicks : object * bool -> unit
        val getWrap : object -> bool
        val setWrap : object * bool -> unit
        val spin : object * SpinType.t * real -> unit
        val getNumeric : object -> bool
        val setNumeric : object * bool -> unit
        val getUpdatePolicy : object -> int
        val setUpdatePolicy : object * SpinButtonUpdatePolicy.t -> unit
        val setValue : object * real -> unit
        val getValueAsInt : object -> int
        val getValue : object -> real
        val getRange : object * real * real -> real * real
        val setRange : object * real * real -> unit
        val getIncrements : object * real * real -> real * real
        val setIncrements : object * real * real -> unit
        val getDigits : object -> int
        val setDigits : object * int -> unit
        val getAdjustment : object -> object
        val setAdjustment : object * object -> unit
        val configure : object * object * real * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure SizeGroup :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : SizeGroupMode.t -> object
        (* methods *)
        val removeWidget : object * object -> unit
        val addWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getMode : object -> SizeGroupMode.t
        val setMode : object * SizeGroupMode.t -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Settings :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val setDoubleProperty : object * string * real * string -> unit
        val setLongProperty : object * string * int * string -> unit
        val setStringProperty : object * string * string * string -> unit
        val setPropertyValue : object * string * object -> unit
        val installPropertyParser : object * object -> unit
        val installProperty : object -> unit
        val getForScreen : object -> object
        val getDefault : unit -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure SeparatorToolItem :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setDraw : object * bool -> unit
        val getDraw : object -> bool
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure SeparatorMenuItem :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Separator :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure ScrolledWindow :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : object * object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val addWithViewport : object * object -> unit
        val getShadowType : object -> ShadowType.t
        val setShadowType : object * ShadowType.t -> unit
        val getPlacement : object -> CornerType.t
        val setPlacement : object * CornerType.t -> unit
        val getPolicy : object * PolicyType.t * PolicyType.t -> PolicyType.t * PolicyType.t
        val setPolicy : object * PolicyType.t * PolicyType.t -> unit
        val getVadjustment : object -> object
        val getHadjustment : object -> object
        val setVadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val setHadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Scrollbar :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Scale :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getLayoutOffsets : object * int * int -> int * int
        val getLayout : object -> object
        val getValuePos : object -> PositionType.t
        val setValuePos : object * PositionType.t -> unit
        val getDrawValue : object -> bool
        val setDrawValue : object * bool -> unit
        val getDigits : object -> int
        val setDigits : object * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Ruler :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getRange : object * real * real * real * real -> real * real * real * real
        val getMetric : object -> MetricType.t
        val drawPos : object -> unit
        val drawTicks : object -> unit
        val setRange : object * real * real * real * real -> unit
        val setMetric : object * MetricType.t -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure RcStyle :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val unref : object -> unit
        val reference : object -> unit
        val copy : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Range :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getValue : object -> real
        val setValue : object * real -> unit
        val setRange : object * real * real -> unit
        val setIncrements : object * real * real -> unit
        val getInverted : object -> bool
        val setInverted : object * bool -> unit
        val getAdjustment : object -> object
        val setAdjustment : object * object -> unit
        val getUpdatePolicy : object -> UpdateType.t
        val setUpdatePolicy : object * UpdateType.t -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure RadioToolButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithStockFromWidget : object * string -> object
        val newFromWidget : object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getGroup : object -> object list
        val setGroup : object * (object list) -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure RadioMenuItem :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithMnemonic : (object list) * string -> object
        val newWithLabel : (object list) * string -> object
        val new : (object list) -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setGroup : object * (object list) -> unit
        val getGroup : object -> object list
        val newWithLabelFromWidget : object * string -> object
        val newWithMnemonicFromWidget : object * string -> object
        val newFromWidget : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure RadioButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithMnemonicFromWidget : object * string -> object
        val newWithMnemonic : (object list) * string -> object
        val newWithLabelFromWidget : object * string -> object
        val newWithLabel : (object list) * string -> object
        val newFromWidget : object -> object
        val new : (object list) -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setGroup : object * (object list) -> unit
        val getGroup : object -> object list
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure RadioAction :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure ProgressBar :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getEllipsize : object -> Pango.EllipsizeMode.t
        val setEllipsize : object * Pango.EllipsizeMode.t -> unit
        val getOrientation : object -> ProgressBarOrientation.t
        val getPulseStep : object -> real
        val getFraction : object -> real
        val getText : object -> string
        val setOrientation : object * ProgressBarOrientation.t -> unit
        val setPulseStep : object * real -> unit
        val setFraction : object * real -> unit
        val setText : object * string -> unit
        val pulse : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Progress :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Preview :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val setExpand : object * bool -> unit
        val drawRow : object * string * int * int * int -> unit
        val put : object * object * object * int * int * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val size : object * int * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Pixmap :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure Paned :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val computePosition : object * int * int * int -> unit
        val getChild2 : object -> object
        val getChild1 : object -> object
        val setPosition : object * int -> unit
        val getPosition : object -> int
        val pack2 : object * object * bool * bool -> unit
        val pack1 : object * object * bool * bool -> unit
        val add2 : object * object -> unit
        val add1 : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure OptionMenu :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val setHistory : object * int -> unit
        val getHistory : object -> int
        val removeMenu : object -> unit
        val setMenu : object * object -> unit
        val getMenu : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure OldEditable :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val changed : object -> unit
        val claimSelection : object * bool * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Object :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val destroy : object -> unit
        val sink : object -> unit
        val new : gtype * string -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Notebook :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val reorderChild : object * object * int -> unit
        val setTabLabelPacking : object * object * bool * bool * PackType.t -> unit
        val queryTabLabelPacking : object * object * object * object * PackType.t -> PackType.t
        val getMenuLabelText : object * object -> string
        val setMenuLabelText : object * object * string -> unit
        val setMenuLabel : object * object * object -> unit
        val getMenuLabel : object * object -> object
        val getTabLabelText : object * object -> string
        val setTabLabelText : object * object * string -> unit
        val setTabLabel : object * object * object -> unit
        val getTabLabel : object * object -> object
        val popupDisable : object -> unit
        val popupEnable : object -> unit
        val getScrollable : object -> bool
        val setScrollable : object * bool -> unit
        val getTabPos : object -> PositionType.t
        val setTabPos : object * PositionType.t -> unit
        val getShowTabs : object -> bool
        val setShowTabs : object * bool -> unit
        val getShowBorder : object -> bool
        val setShowBorder : object * bool -> unit
        val prevPage : object -> unit
        val nextPage : object -> unit
        val setCurrentPage : object * int -> unit
        val pageNum : object * object -> int
        val getNPages : object -> int
        val getNthPage : object * int -> object
        val getCurrentPage : object -> int
        val removePage : object * int -> unit
        val insertPageMenu : object * object * object * object * int -> int
        val insertPage : object * object * object * int -> int
        val prependPageMenu : object * object * object * object -> int
        val prependPage : object * object * object -> int
        val appendPageMenu : object * object * object * object -> int
        val appendPage : object * object * object -> int
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldTabPos : object -> PositionType.t
        val setFieldTabPos : object * PositionType.t -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure Misc :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getPadding : object * int * int -> int * int
        val setPadding : object * int * int -> unit
        val getAlignment : object * real * real -> real * real
        val setAlignment : object * real * real -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure MessageDialog :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithMarkup : object * DialogFlags.t * MessageType.t * ButtonsType.t * string -> object
        val new : object * DialogFlags.t * MessageType.t * ButtonsType.t * string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val formatSecondaryMarkup : object * string -> unit
        val formatSecondaryText : object * string -> unit
        val setMarkup : object * string -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldLabel : object -> object
        val setFieldLabel : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldImage : object -> object
        val setFieldImage : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure MenuToolButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : object * string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setArrowTooltip : object * object * string * string -> unit
        val getMenu : object -> object
        val setMenu : object * object -> unit
        val newFromStock : string -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure MenuShell :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val cancel : object -> unit
        val selectFirst : object * bool -> unit
        val activateItem : object * object * bool -> unit
        val deselect : object -> unit
        val selectItem : object * object -> unit
        val deactivate : object -> unit
        val insert : object * object * int -> unit
        val prepend : object * object -> unit
        val append : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure MenuItem :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithMnemonic : string -> object
        val newWithLabel : string -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setAccelPath : object * string -> unit
        val getRightJustified : object -> bool
        val setRightJustified : object * bool -> unit
        val toggleSizeAllocate : object * int -> unit
        val toggleSizeRequest : object * int -> int
        val activate : object -> unit
        val deselect : object -> unit
        val select : object -> unit
        val removeSubmenu : object -> unit
        val getSubmenu : object -> object
        val setSubmenu : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure MenuBar :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Menu :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setMonitor : object * int -> unit
        val attach : object * object * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val setScreen : object * object -> unit
        val reorderChild : object * object * int -> unit
        val getTitle : object -> string
        val setTitle : object * string -> unit
        val getTearoffState : object -> bool
        val setTearoffState : object * bool -> unit
        val getAttachWidget : object -> object
        val detach : object -> unit
        val attachToWidget : object * object * Core.object -> unit
        val setAccelPath : object * string -> unit
        val getAccelGroup : object -> object
        val setAccelGroup : object * object -> unit
        val setActive : object * int -> unit
        val getActive : object -> object
        val popdown : object -> unit
        val reposition : object -> unit
        val popup : object * object * object * Core.object * object * int * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure ListStore :
        (* constructors *)
        val newv : (gtype vector) -> object
        val new : int -> object
        (* methods *)
        val moveBefore : object * object * object -> unit
        val moveAfter : object * object * object -> unit
        val swap : object * object * object -> unit
        val reorder : object * int -> int
        val iterIsValid : object * object -> bool
        val clear : object -> unit
        val append : object * object -> unit
        val prepend : object * object -> unit
        val insertWithValuesv : object * object * int * int * (gvalue vector) -> int
        val insertWithValues : object * object * int -> unit
        val insertAfter : object * object * object -> unit
        val insertBefore : object * object * object -> unit
        val insert : object * object * int -> unit
        val remove : object * object -> bool
        val set : object * object -> unit
        val setValue : object * object * int * gvalue -> unit
        val setColumnTypes : object * int * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Layout :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : object * object -> object
        (* methods *)
        val thaw : object -> unit
        val freeze : object -> unit
        val setVadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val setHadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val getVadjustment : object -> object
        val getHadjustment : object -> object
        val getSize : object * int * int -> int * int
        val setSize : object * int * int -> unit
        val move : object * object * int * int -> unit
        val put : object * object * int * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldBinWindow : object -> object
        val setFieldBinWindow : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure Label :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithMnemonic : string -> object
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getSingleLineMode : object -> bool
        val setSingleLineMode : object * bool -> unit
        val getMaxWidthChars : object -> int
        val setMaxWidthChars : object * int -> unit
        val getWidthChars : object -> int
        val setWidthChars : object * int -> unit
        val getAngle : object -> int
        val setAngle : object * int -> unit
        val getEllipsize : object -> Pango.EllipsizeMode.t
        val setEllipsize : object * Pango.EllipsizeMode.t -> unit
        val getLayoutOffsets : object * int * int -> int * int
        val getLayout : object -> object
        val getSelectionBounds : object * int * int -> bool * int * int
        val selectRegion : object * int * int -> unit
        val getSelectable : object -> bool
        val setSelectable : object * bool -> unit
        val getLineWrap : object -> bool
        val setLineWrap : object * bool -> unit
        val setPattern : object * string -> unit
        val getJustify : object -> Justification.t
        val setJustify : object * Justification.t -> unit
        val setTextWithMnemonic : object * string -> unit
        val getMnemonicWidget : object -> object
        val setMnemonicWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getMnemonicKeyval : object -> int
        val setMarkupWithMnemonic : object * string -> unit
        val getUseUnderline : object -> bool
        val setUseUnderline : object * bool -> unit
        val getUseMarkup : object -> bool
        val setUseMarkup : object * bool -> unit
        val setMarkup : object * string -> unit
        val getLabel : object -> string
        val setLabel : object * string -> unit
        val getAttributes : object -> object
        val setAttributes : object * object -> unit
        val getText : object -> string
        val setText : object * string -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure ItemFactory :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure Item :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val toggle : object -> unit
        val deselect : object -> unit
        val select : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Invisible :
        (* constructors *)
        val newForScreen : object -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getScreen : object -> object
        val setScreen : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure InputDialog :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure IMMulticontext :
        (* constructors *)
        val gtkImMulticontextNew : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val appendMenuitems : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure IMContextSimple :
        (* constructors *)
        val gtkImContextSimpleNew : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val addTable : object * object * int * int -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure IMContext :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val deleteSurrounding : object * int * int -> bool
        val getSurrounding : object * (string vector) * int -> bool * int
        val setSurrounding : object * string * int * int -> unit
        val setUsePreedit : object * bool -> unit
        val setCursorLocation : object * object -> unit
        val reset : object -> unit
        val focusOut : object -> unit
        val focusIn : object -> unit
        val filterKeypress : object * object -> bool
        val getPreeditString : object * (string vector) * object * int -> int
        val setClientWindow : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure ImageMenuItem :
        (* constructors *)
        val newFromStock : string * object -> object
        val newWithMnemonic : string -> object
        val newWithLabel : string -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getImage : object -> object
        val setImage : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Image :
        (* constructors *)
        val newFromStock : string * IconSize.t -> object
        val newFromPixbuf : object -> object
        val newFromFile : string -> object
        val newFromImage : object * object -> object
        val newFromPixmap : object * object -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getPixelSize : object -> int
        val getIconName : object * (string vector) * IconSize.t -> IconSize.t
        val setPixelSize : object * int -> unit
        val setFromIconName : object * string * IconSize.t -> unit
        val newFromIconName : string * IconSize.t -> object
        val getAnimation : object -> object
        val getIconSet : object * IconSize.t -> object * IconSize.t
        val getStock : object * (string vector) * IconSize.t -> IconSize.t
        val getPixbuf : object -> object
        val getImage : object -> object * object
        val getPixmap : object -> object * object
        val getStorageType : object -> ImageType.t
        val setFromAnimation : object * object -> unit
        val setFromIconSet : object * object * IconSize.t -> unit
        val setFromStock : object * string * IconSize.t -> unit
        val setFromPixbuf : object * object -> unit
        val setFromFile : object * string -> unit
        val setFromImage : object * object * object -> unit
        val setFromPixmap : object * object * object -> unit
        val newFromAnimation : object -> object
        val newFromIconSet : object * IconSize.t -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure IconView :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val itemActivated : object * object -> unit
        val unselectAll : object -> unit
        val selectAll : object -> unit
        val getSelectedItems : object -> object list
        val pathIsSelected : object * object -> bool
        val unselectPath : object * object -> unit
        val selectPath : object * object -> unit
        val getSelectionMode : object -> SelectionMode.t
        val setSelectionMode : object * SelectionMode.t -> unit
        val getPathAtPos : object * int * int -> object
        val getMargin : object -> int
        val setMargin : object * int -> unit
        val getColumnSpacing : object -> int
        val setColumnSpacing : object * int -> unit
        val getRowSpacing : object -> int
        val setRowSpacing : object * int -> unit
        val getSpacing : object -> int
        val setSpacing : object * int -> unit
        val getItemWidth : object -> int
        val setItemWidth : object * int -> unit
        val getColumns : object -> int
        val setColumns : object * int -> unit
        val getOrientation : object -> Orientation.t
        val setOrientation : object * Orientation.t -> unit
        val getPixbufColumn : object -> int
        val setPixbufColumn : object * int -> unit
        val getMarkupColumn : object -> int
        val setMarkupColumn : object * int -> unit
        val getTextColumn : object -> int
        val setTextColumn : object * int -> unit
        val getModel : object -> object
        val setModel : object * object -> unit
        val newWithModel : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure IconTheme :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val addBuiltinIcon : string * int * object -> unit
        val rescanIfNeeded : object -> bool
        val getExampleIconName : object -> string
        val listIcons : object * string -> object list
        val loadIcon : object * string * int * IconLookupFlags.t -> object
        val lookupIcon : object * string * int * IconLookupFlags.t -> object
        val hasIcon : object * string -> bool
        val setCustomTheme : object * string -> unit
        val prependSearchPath : object * string -> unit
        val appendSearchPath : object * string -> unit
        val setScreen : object * object -> unit
        val getForScreen : object -> object
        val getDefault : unit -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure IconFactory :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val lookupDefault : string -> object
        val removeDefault : object -> unit
        val addDefault : object -> unit
        val lookup : object * string -> object
        val add : object * string * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure HSeparator :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure HScrollbar :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : object -> object
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure HScale :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithRange : real * real * real -> object
        val new : object -> object
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure HRuler :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure HPaned :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure HButtonBox :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure HBox :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : bool * int -> object
        (* methods *)
        (* properties *)
    structure HandleBox :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getSnapEdge : object -> PositionType.t
        val setSnapEdge : object * PositionType.t -> unit
        val getHandlePosition : object -> PositionType.t
        val setHandlePosition : object * PositionType.t -> unit
        val getShadowType : object -> ShadowType.t
        val setShadowType : object * ShadowType.t -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure GammaCurve :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldTable : object -> object
        val setFieldTable : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldGammaText : object -> object
        val setFieldGammaText : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldGammaDialog : object -> object
        val setFieldGammaDialog : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldGamma : object -> real
        val setFieldGamma : object * real -> unit
        val getFieldCurve : object -> object
        val setFieldCurve : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure Frame :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getShadowType : object -> ShadowType.t
        val setShadowType : object * ShadowType.t -> unit
        val getLabelAlign : object * real * real -> real * real
        val setLabelAlign : object * real * real -> unit
        val getLabelWidget : object -> object
        val setLabelWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getLabel : object -> string
        val setLabel : object * string -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure FontSelectionDialog :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setPreviewText : object * string -> unit
        val getPreviewText : object -> string
        val setFontName : object * string -> bool
        val getFont : object -> object
        val getFontName : object -> string
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldOkButton : object -> object
        val setFieldOkButton : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldMainVBox : object -> object
        val setFieldMainVBox : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldFontsel : object -> object
        val setFieldFontsel : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldCancelButton : object -> object
        val setFieldCancelButton : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldApplyButton : object -> object
        val setFieldApplyButton : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldActionArea : object -> object
        val setFieldActionArea : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure FontSelection :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setPreviewText : object * string -> unit
        val getPreviewText : object -> string
        val setFontName : object * string -> bool
        val getFont : object -> object
        val getFontName : object -> string
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure FontButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setShowSize : object * bool -> unit
        val getShowSize : object -> bool
        val setShowStyle : object * bool -> unit
        val getShowStyle : object -> bool
        val setFontName : object * string -> bool
        val getFontName : object -> string
        val setUseSize : object * bool -> unit
        val getUseSize : object -> bool
        val setUseFont : object * bool -> unit
        val getUseFont : object -> bool
        val setTitle : object * string -> unit
        val getTitle : object -> string
        val newWithFont : string -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Fixed :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getHasWindow : object -> bool
        val setHasWindow : object * bool -> unit
        val move : object * object * int * int -> unit
        val put : object * object * int * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure FileSelection :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getSelectMultiple : object -> bool
        val setSelectMultiple : object * bool -> unit
        val getSelections : object -> object
        val hideFileopButtons : object -> unit
        val showFileopButtons : object -> unit
        val complete : object * string -> unit
        val getFilename : object -> string
        val setFilename : object * string -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldSelectionText : object -> object
        val setFieldSelectionText : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldSelectionEntry : object -> object
        val setFieldSelectionEntry : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldOkButton : object -> object
        val setFieldOkButton : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldMainVBox : object -> object
        val setFieldMainVBox : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldHistoryPulldown : object -> object
        val setFieldHistoryPulldown : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldHistoryMenu : object -> object
        val setFieldHistoryMenu : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldHelpButton : object -> object
        val setFieldHelpButton : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldFileopRenFile : object -> object
        val setFieldFileopRenFile : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldFileopFile : object -> string
        val setFieldFileopFile : object * string -> unit
        val getFieldFileopEntry : object -> object
        val setFieldFileopEntry : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldFileopDialog : object -> object
        val setFieldFileopDialog : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldFileopDelFile : object -> object
        val setFieldFileopDelFile : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldFileopCDir : object -> object
        val setFieldFileopCDir : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldFileList : object -> object
        val setFieldFileList : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldDirList : object -> object
        val setFieldDirList : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldCancelButton : object -> object
        val setFieldCancelButton : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldButtonArea : object -> object
        val setFieldButtonArea : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldActionArea : object -> object
        val setFieldActionArea : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure FileFilter :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val filter : object * object -> bool
        val getNeeded : object -> FileFilterFlags.t
        val addPixbufFormats : object -> unit
        val addPattern : object * string -> unit
        val addMimeType : object * string -> unit
        val getName : object -> string
        val setName : object * string -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure FileChooserWidget :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : FileChooserAction.t -> object
        (* methods *)
        val newWithBackend : FileChooserAction.t * string -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure FileChooserDialog :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string * object * FileChooserAction.t * string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val newWithBackend : string * object * FileChooserAction.t * string * string -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure FileChooserButton :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val setWidthChars : object * int -> unit
        val getWidthChars : object -> int
        val setTitle : object * string -> unit
        val getTitle : object -> string
        val newWithDialog : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Expander :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getLabelWidget : object -> object
        val setLabelWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getUseMarkup : object -> bool
        val setUseMarkup : object * bool -> unit
        val getUseUnderline : object -> bool
        val setUseUnderline : object * bool -> unit
        val getLabel : object -> string
        val setLabel : object * string -> unit
        val getSpacing : object -> int
        val setSpacing : object * int -> unit
        val getExpanded : object -> bool
        val setExpanded : object * bool -> unit
        val newWithMnemonic : string -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure EventBox :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setAboveChild : object * bool -> unit
        val getAboveChild : object -> bool
        val setVisibleWindow : object * bool -> unit
        val getVisibleWindow : object -> bool
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure EntryCompletion :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getPopupCompletion : object -> bool
        val setPopupCompletion : object * bool -> unit
        val getInlineCompletion : object -> bool
        val setInlineCompletion : object * bool -> unit
        val insertPrefix : object -> unit
        val setTextColumn : object * int -> unit
        val deleteAction : object * int -> unit
        val insertActionMarkup : object * int * string -> unit
        val insertActionText : object * int * string -> unit
        val complete : object -> unit
        val getMinimumKeyLength : object -> int
        val setMinimumKeyLength : object * int -> unit
        val getModel : object -> object
        val setModel : object * object -> unit
        val getEntry : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Entry :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setEditable : object * bool -> unit
        val selectRegion : object * int * int -> unit
        val setPosition : object * int -> unit
        val prependText : object * string -> unit
        val getCompletion : object -> object
        val setCompletion : object * object -> unit
        val getAlignment : object -> real
        val setAlignment : object * real -> unit
        val getLayoutOffsets : object * int * int -> int * int
        val getLayout : object -> object
        val getText : object -> string
        val setText : object * string -> unit
        val getWidthChars : object -> int
        val setWidthChars : object * int -> unit
        val getActivatesDefault : object -> bool
        val setActivatesDefault : object * bool -> unit
        val getMaxLength : object -> int
        val setMaxLength : object * int -> unit
        val getHasFrame : object -> bool
        val setHasFrame : object * bool -> unit
        val getInvisibleChar : object -> int
        val setInvisibleChar : object * int -> unit
        val getVisibility : object -> bool
        val setVisibility : object * bool -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure DrawingArea :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Dialog :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithButtons : string * object * DialogFlags.t * string -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setAlternativeButtonOrderFromArray : object * int * int -> int
        val setAlternativeButtonOrder : object * int -> unit
        val run : object -> int
        val response : object * int -> unit
        val getHasSeparator : object -> bool
        val setHasSeparator : object * bool -> unit
        val setDefaultResponse : object * int -> unit
        val setResponseSensitive : object * int * bool -> unit
        val addButtons : object * string -> unit
        val addButton : object * string * int -> object
        val addActionWidget : object * object * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldVBox : object -> object
        val setFieldVBox : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldActionArea : object -> object
        val setFieldActionArea : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure Curve :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setCurveType : object * CurveType.t -> unit
        val setRange : object * real * real * real * real -> unit
        val setGamma : object * real -> unit
        val reset : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Container :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : { border_width : int, focus_child : object, has_focus_chain : int, need_resize : int, reallocate_redraws : int, resize_mode : int } -> object
        (* methods *)
        val forall : object * object * object -> unit
        val childGetProperty : object * object * string -> gvalue
        val childSetProperty : object * object * string * gvalue -> unit
        val childGet : object * object * string -> unit
        val childSet : object * object * string -> unit
        val addWithProperties : object * object * string -> unit
        val classListChildProperties : object * int -> object * int
        val classFindChildProperty : object * string -> object
        val classInstallChildProperty : object * int * object -> unit
        val childType : object -> gtype
        val resizeChildren : object -> unit
        val getFocusHadjustment : object -> object
        val setFocusHadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val getFocusVadjustment : object -> object
        val setFocusVadjustment : object * object -> unit
        val setFocusChild : object * object -> unit
        val setReallocateRedraws : object * bool -> unit
        val unsetFocusChain : object -> unit
        val getFocusChain : object * object -> bool
        val setFocusChain : object * (object list) -> unit
        val propagateExpose : object * object * object -> unit
        val getChildren : object -> object list
        val foreach : object * object * object -> unit
        val checkResize : object -> unit
        val getResizeMode : object -> ResizeMode.t
        val setResizeMode : object * ResizeMode.t -> unit
        val remove : object * object -> unit
        val add : object * object -> unit
        val getBorderWidth : object -> int
        val setBorderWidth : object * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldResizeMode : object -> int
        val setFieldResizeMode : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldReallocateRedraws : object -> int
        val setFieldReallocateRedraws : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldNeedResize : object -> int
        val setFieldNeedResize : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldHasFocusChain : object -> int
        val setFieldHasFocusChain : object * int -> unit
        val getFieldFocusChild : object -> object
        val setFieldFocusChild : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldBorderWidth : object -> int
        val setFieldBorderWidth : object * int -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure ComboBoxEntry :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val newText : unit -> object
        val getTextColumn : object -> int
        val setTextColumn : object * int -> unit
        val newWithModel : object * int -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure ComboBox :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithModel : object -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getPopupAccessible : object -> object
        val getActiveText : object -> string
        val setFocusOnClick : object * bool -> unit
        val getFocusOnClick : object -> bool
        val setAddTearoffs : object * bool -> unit
        val getColumnSpanColumn : object -> int
        val getRowSpanColumn : object -> int
        val getWrapWidth : object -> int
        val popdown : object -> unit
        val popup : object -> unit
        val removeText : object * int -> unit
        val prependText : object * string -> unit
        val insertText : object * int * string -> unit
        val appendText : object * string -> unit
        val newText : unit -> object
        val getModel : object -> object
        val setModel : object * object -> unit
        val setActiveIter : object * object -> unit
        val getActiveIter : object * object -> bool
        val setActive : object * int -> unit
        val getActive : object -> int
        val setColumnSpanColumn : object * int -> unit
        val setRowSpanColumn : object * int -> unit
        val setWrapWidth : object * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Combo :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : { entry : object, list : object } -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getFieldList : object -> object
        val setFieldList : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldEntry : object -> object
        val setFieldEntry : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure ColorSelectionDialog :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldOkButton : object -> object
        val setFieldOkButton : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldHelpButton : object -> object
        val setFieldHelpButton : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldColorsel : object -> object
        val setFieldColorsel : object * object -> unit
        val getFieldCancelButton : object -> object
        val setFieldCancelButton : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure ColorSelection :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val paletteToString : (object vector) -> string
        val paletteFromString : string * int -> bool * object * int
        val isAdjusting : object -> bool
        val getPreviousAlpha : object -> int
        val getPreviousColor : object * object -> unit
        val setPreviousAlpha : object * int -> unit
        val setPreviousColor : object * object -> unit
        val getCurrentAlpha : object -> int
        val getCurrentColor : object * object -> unit
        val setCurrentAlpha : object * int -> unit
        val setCurrentColor : object * object -> unit
        val setHasPalette : object * bool -> unit
        val getHasPalette : object -> bool
        val setHasOpacityControl : object * bool -> unit
        val getHasOpacityControl : object -> bool
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure ColorButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithColor : object -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getTitle : object -> string
        val setTitle : object * string -> unit
        val getUseAlpha : object -> bool
        val setUseAlpha : object * bool -> unit
        val getAlpha : object -> int
        val getColor : object * object -> unit
        val setAlpha : object * int -> unit
        val setColor : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Clipboard :
        (* constructors *)
        val getForDisplay : object * Word32.word -> object
        (* methods *)
        val waitForTargets : object * object * int -> bool * int
        val waitIsTextAvailable : object -> bool
        val waitForText : object -> string
        val waitForContents : object * Word32.word -> object
        val setText : object * string * int -> unit
        val clear : object -> unit
        val getOwner : object -> object
        val getDisplay : object -> object
        val get : Word32.word -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val store : object -> unit
        val setCanStore : object * (object vector) -> unit
        val waitIsTargetAvailable : object * Word32.word -> bool
        (* properties *)
    structure CheckMenuItem :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithMnemonic : string -> object
        val newWithLabel : string -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getDrawAsRadio : object -> bool
        val setDrawAsRadio : object * bool -> unit
        val getInconsistent : object -> bool
        val setInconsistent : object * bool -> unit
        val toggled : object -> unit
        val getActive : object -> bool
        val setActive : object * bool -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldActive : object -> bool
        val setFieldActive : object * bool -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure CheckButton :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithMnemonic : string -> object
        val newWithLabel : string -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure CellView :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getCellRenderers : object -> object list
        val setBackgroundColor : object * object -> unit
        val getSizeOfRow : object * object * object -> bool
        val getDisplayedRow : object -> object
        val setDisplayedRow : object * object -> unit
        val setModel : object * object -> unit
        val newWithPixbuf : object -> object
        val newWithMarkup : string -> object
        val newWithText : string -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure CellRendererToggle :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setActive : object * bool -> unit
        val getActive : object -> bool
        val setRadio : object * bool -> unit
        val getRadio : object -> bool
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure CellRendererText :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setFixedHeightFromFont : object * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure CellRendererProgress :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure CellRendererPixbuf :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure CellRendererCombo :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure CellRenderer :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val stopEditing : object * bool -> unit
        val editingCanceled : object -> unit
        val getFixedSize : object * int * int -> int * int
        val setFixedSize : object * int * int -> unit
        val startEditing : object * object * object * string * object * object * CellRendererState.t -> object
        val activate : object * object * object * string * object * object * CellRendererState.t -> bool
        val render : object * object * object * object * object * object * CellRendererState.t -> unit
        val getSize : object * object * object * int * int * int * int -> int * int * int * int
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
        val pixbuf : object prop
        val sizePoints : real prop
        val size : int prop
        val text : string prop
        val markup : string prop
        val editableSet : bool prop
        val editable : bool prop
        val fontDesc : object prop
        val font : string prop
        val ypad : int prop
        val yalign : real prop
        val xpad : int prop
        val xalign : real prop
        val width : int prop
        val visible : bool prop
        val sensitive : bool prop
        val mode : CellRendererMode.t prop
        val height : int prop
        val cellBackgroundSet : bool prop
        val cellBackgroundGdk : object prop
        val cellBackground : string prop
    structure Calendar :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val thaw : object -> unit
        val freeze : object -> unit
        val getDate : object * int * int * int -> int * int * int
        val displayOptions : object * CalendarDisplayOptions.t -> unit
        val getDisplayOptions : object -> CalendarDisplayOptions.t
        val setDisplayOptions : object * CalendarDisplayOptions.t -> unit
        val clearMarks : object -> unit
        val unmarkDay : object * int -> bool
        val markDay : object * int -> bool
        val selectDay : object * int -> unit
        val selectMonth : object * int * int -> bool
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure ButtonBox :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val setChildSecondary : object * object * bool -> unit
        val getChildSecondary : object * object -> bool
        val setLayout : object * ButtonBoxStyle.t -> unit
        val getLayout : object -> ButtonBoxStyle.t
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Button :
        (* constructors *)
        val newWithMnemonic : string -> object
        val newFromStock : string -> object
        val newWithLabel : string -> object
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getImage : object -> object
        val setImage : object * object -> unit
        val getAlignment : object * real * real -> real * real
        val setAlignment : object * real * real -> unit
        val getFocusOnClick : object -> bool
        val setFocusOnClick : object * bool -> unit
        val getUseStock : object -> bool
        val setUseStock : object * bool -> unit
        val getUseUnderline : object -> bool
        val setUseUnderline : object * bool -> unit
        val getLabel : object -> string
        val setLabel : object * string -> unit
        val getRelief : object -> ReliefStyle.t
        val setRelief : object * ReliefStyle.t -> unit
        val leave : object -> unit
        val enter : object -> unit
        val clicked : object -> unit
        val released : object -> unit
        val pressed : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Box :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val setChildPacking : object * object * bool * bool * int * PackType.t -> unit
        val queryChildPacking : object * object * object * object * int * PackType.t -> int * PackType.t
        val reorderChild : object * object * int -> unit
        val getSpacing : object -> int
        val setSpacing : object * int -> unit
        val getHomogeneous : object -> bool
        val setHomogeneous : object * bool -> unit
        val packEndDefaults : object * object -> unit
        val packStartDefaults : object * object -> unit
        val packEnd : object * object * bool * bool * int -> unit
        val packStart : object * object * bool * bool * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Bin :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : { child : object } -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getChild : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldChild : object -> object
        val setFieldChild : object * object -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure AspectFrame :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string * real * real * real * bool -> object
        (* methods *)
        val set : object * real * real * real * bool -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Arrow :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : ArrowType.t * ShadowType.t -> object
        (* methods *)
        val set : object * ArrowType.t * ShadowType.t -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Alignment :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : real * real * real * real -> object
        (* methods *)
        val getPadding : object * int * int * int * int -> int * int * int * int
        val setPadding : object * int * int * int * int -> unit
        val set : object * real * real * real * real -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Adjustment :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : real * real * real * real * real * real -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setValue : object * real -> unit
        val getValue : object -> real
        val clampPage : object * real * real -> unit
        val valueChanged : object -> unit
        val changed : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        val getFieldValue : object -> real
        val setFieldValue : object * real -> unit
        val getFieldUpper : object -> real
        val setFieldUpper : object * real -> unit
        val getFieldStepIncrement : object -> real
        val setFieldStepIncrement : object * real -> unit
        val getFieldPageSize : object -> real
        val setFieldPageSize : object * real -> unit
        val getFieldPageIncrement : object -> real
        val setFieldPageIncrement : object * real -> unit
        val getFieldLower : object -> real
        val setFieldLower : object * real -> unit
        (* properties *)
    structure ActionGroup :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val translateString : object * string -> string
        val setTranslationDomain : object * string -> unit
        val removeAction : object * object -> unit
        val addActionWithAccel : object * object * string -> unit
        val addAction : object * object -> unit
        val listActions : object -> object list
        val getAction : object * string -> object
        val setVisible : object * bool -> unit
        val getVisible : object -> bool
        val setSensitive : object * bool -> unit
        val getSensitive : object -> bool
        val getName : object -> string
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Action :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string * string * string * string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setVisible : object * bool -> unit
        val setSensitive : object * bool -> unit
        val setAccelGroup : object * object -> unit
        val setAccelPath : object * string -> unit
        val unblockActivateFrom : object * object -> unit
        val blockActivateFrom : object * object -> unit
        val getAccelPath : object -> string
        val disconnectAccelerator : object -> unit
        val connectAccelerator : object -> unit
        val getProxies : object -> object list
        val disconnectProxy : object * object -> unit
        val connectProxy : object * object -> unit
        val createToolItem : object -> object
        val createMenuItem : object -> object
        val createIcon : object * IconSize.t -> object
        val activate : object -> unit
        val getVisible : object -> bool
        val isVisible : object -> bool
        val getSensitive : object -> bool
        val isSensitive : object -> bool
        val getName : object -> string
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Accessible :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val connectWidgetDestroyed : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure AccelLabel :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : string -> object
        (* methods *)
        val refetch : object -> bool
        val setAccelClosure : object * object -> unit
        val setAccelWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getAccelWidth : object -> int
        val getAccelWidget : object -> object
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure AccelGroup :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val query : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t * int -> object * int
        val fromAccelClosure : object -> object
        val activate : object * Word32.word * object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> bool
        val disconnectKey : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> bool
        val disconnect : object * object -> bool
        val connectByPath : object * string * object -> unit
        val connect : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t * AccelFlags.t * object -> unit
        val unlock : object -> unit
        val lock : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure AboutDialog :
        (* constructors *)
        val new : unit -> object
        (* methods *)
        val setLogoIconName : object * string -> unit
        val getLogoIconName : object -> string
        val setLogo : object * object -> unit
        val getLogo : object -> object
        val setTranslatorCredits : object * string -> unit
        val getTranslatorCredits : object -> string
        val setArtists : object * (string vector) -> unit
        val getArtists : object -> object
        val setDocumenters : object * (string vector) -> unit
        val getDocumenters : object -> object
        val setAuthors : object * (string vector) -> unit
        val getAuthors : object -> object
        val setWebsiteLabel : object * string -> unit
        val getWebsiteLabel : object -> string
        val setWebsite : object * string -> unit
        val getWebsite : object -> string
        val setLicense : object * string -> unit
        val getLicense : object -> string
        val setComments : object * string -> unit
        val getComments : object -> string
        val setCopyright : object * string -> unit
        val getCopyright : object -> string
        val setVersion : object * string -> unit
        val getVersion : object -> string
        val setName : object * string -> unit
        val getName : object -> string
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TreeSortable :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val hasDefaultSortFunc : object -> bool
        val setSortColumnId : object * int * SortType.t -> unit
        val getSortColumnId : object * int * SortType.t -> bool * int * SortType.t
        val sortColumnChanged : object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TreeModel :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val filterNew : object * object -> object
        val rowsReordered : object * object * object * int -> int
        val rowDeleted : object * object -> unit
        val rowHasChildToggled : object * object * object -> unit
        val rowInserted : object * object * object -> unit
        val rowChanged : object * object * object -> unit
        val getValist : object * object * object -> unit
        val get : object * object -> unit
        val unrefNode : object * object -> unit
        val refNode : object * object -> unit
        val iterParent : object * object * object -> bool
        val iterNthChild : object * object * object * int -> bool
        val iterNChildren : object * object -> int
        val iterHasChild : object * object -> bool
        val iterChildren : object * object * object -> bool
        val iterNext : object * object -> bool
        val getValue : object * object * int -> gvalue
        val getPath : object * object -> object
        val getIterFirst : object * object -> bool
        val getIterRoot : object * object -> bool
        val getStringFromIter : object * object -> string
        val getIterFromString : object * object * string -> bool
        val getIter : object * object * object -> bool
        val getColumnType : object * int -> gtype
        val getNColumns : object -> int
        val getFlags : object -> TreeModelFlags.t
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TreeDragSource :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val dragDataGet : object * object * object -> bool
        val dragDataDelete : object * object -> bool
        val rowDraggable : object * object -> bool
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure TreeDragDest :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val rowDropPossible : object * object * object -> bool
        val dragDataReceived : object * object * object -> bool
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure FileChooser :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getShowHidden : object -> bool
        val setShowHidden : object * bool -> unit
        val listShortcutFolderUris : object -> object list
        val removeShortcutFolderUri : object * string -> bool
        val addShortcutFolderUri : object * string -> bool
        val listShortcutFolders : object -> object list
        val removeShortcutFolder : object * string -> bool
        val addShortcutFolder : object * string -> bool
        val getFilter : object -> object
        val setFilter : object * object -> unit
        val listFilters : object -> object list
        val removeFilter : object * object -> unit
        val addFilter : object * object -> unit
        val getExtraWidget : object -> object
        val setExtraWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getPreviewUri : object -> string
        val getPreviewFilename : object -> string
        val getUsePreviewLabel : object -> bool
        val setUsePreviewLabel : object * bool -> unit
        val getPreviewWidgetActive : object -> bool
        val setPreviewWidgetActive : object * bool -> unit
        val getPreviewWidget : object -> object
        val setPreviewWidget : object * object -> unit
        val getCurrentFolderUri : object -> string
        val setCurrentFolderUri : object * string -> bool
        val getUris : object -> object list
        val unselectUri : object * string -> unit
        val selectUri : object * string -> bool
        val setUri : object * string -> bool
        val getUri : object -> string
        val getCurrentFolder : object -> string
        val setCurrentFolder : object * string -> bool
        val getFilenames : object -> object list
        val unselectAll : object -> unit
        val selectAll : object -> unit
        val unselectFilename : object * string -> unit
        val selectFilename : object * string -> bool
        val setFilename : object * string -> bool
        val getFilename : object -> string
        val setCurrentName : object * string -> unit
        val getSelectMultiple : object -> bool
        val setSelectMultiple : object * bool -> unit
        val getLocalOnly : object -> bool
        val setLocalOnly : object * bool -> unit
        val getAction : object -> FileChooserAction.t
        val setAction : object * FileChooserAction.t -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Editable :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val getEditable : object -> bool
        val setEditable : object * bool -> unit
        val getPosition : object -> int
        val setPosition : object * int -> unit
        val deleteSelection : object -> unit
        val pasteClipboard : object -> unit
        val copyClipboard : object -> unit
        val cutClipboard : object -> unit
        val getChars : object * int * int -> string
        val deleteText : object * int * int -> unit
        val insertText : object * string * int * int -> int
        val getSelectionBounds : object * int * int -> bool * int * int
        val selectRegion : object * int * int -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure CellLayout :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val reorder : object * object * int -> unit
        val clearAttributes : object * object -> unit
        val addAttribute : object * object * string * int -> unit
        val setAttributes : object * object -> unit
        val clear : object -> unit
        val packEnd : object * object * bool -> unit
        val packStart : object * object * bool -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure CellEditable :
        (* constructors *)
        (* methods *)
        val removeWidget : object -> unit
        val editingDone : object -> unit
        val startEditing : object * object -> unit
        val getType : unit -> gtype
        (* properties *)
    structure Gc:
        val release : object -> unit
        val get : int * object * object * Gdk.GCValuesMask.t -> object
    structure Hscrollbar:
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure Accelerator:
        val getLabel : int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> string
        val getDefaultModMask : unit -> int
        val setDefaultModMask : Gdk.ModifierType.t -> unit
        val name : int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> string
        val parse : string * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> int * Gdk.ModifierType.t
        val valid : int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> bool
    structure Key:
        val snooperRemove : int -> unit
    structure Set:
        val locale : unit -> string
    structure Quit:
        val removeByData : object -> unit
        val remove : int -> unit
        val addFull : int * object * object * object * object -> int
        val add : int * object * object -> int
        val addDestroy : int * object -> unit
    structure Show:
        val aboutDialog : object * string -> unit
    structure Hseparator:
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure Idle:
        val removeByData : object -> unit
        val remove : int -> unit
    structure Get:
        val eventWidget : object -> object
        val currentEventState : Gdk.ModifierType.t -> bool * Gdk.ModifierType.t
        val currentEventTime : unit -> int
        val currentEvent : unit -> object
        val defaultLanguage : unit -> object
    structure Hscale:
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure Accel:
        val mapGet : unit -> object
        val mapGetType : unit -> gtype
        val mapForeachUnfiltered : object * object -> unit
        val mapAddFilter : string -> unit
        val mapUnlockPath : string -> unit
        val mapLockPath : string -> unit
        val mapSaveFd : int -> unit
        val mapLoadScanner : object -> unit
        val mapLoadFd : int -> unit
        val mapForeach : object * object -> unit
        val mapSave : string -> unit
        val mapLoad : string -> unit
        val mapChangeEntry : string * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t * bool -> bool
        val mapLookupEntry : string * object -> bool
        val mapAddEntry : string * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> unit
        val groupsFromObject : object -> object list
        val groupsActivate : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> bool
    structure Hbox:
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure Events:
        val pending : unit -> int
    structure Im:
        val multicontextGetType : unit -> gtype
        val contextSimpleGetType : unit -> gtype
        val contextGetType : unit -> gtype
    structure Init:
        val add : object * object -> unit
        val check : int * object -> bool * int
    structure Rc:
        val propertyParseBorder : object * object -> bool * gvalue
        val propertyParseRequisition : object * object -> bool * gvalue
        val propertyParseFlags : object * object -> bool * gvalue
        val propertyParseEnum : object * object -> bool * gvalue
        val propertyParseColor : object * object -> bool * gvalue
        val parsePriority : object * PathPriorityType.t -> int * PathPriorityType.t
        val parseState : object * StateType.t -> int * StateType.t
        val parseColor : object * object -> int
        val getImModuleFile : unit -> string
        val getImModulePath : unit -> string
        val getModuleDir : unit -> string
        val getThemeDir : unit -> string
        val findModuleInPath : string -> string
        val reparseAll : unit -> bool
        val parseString : string -> unit
        val parse : string -> unit
        val findPixmapInPath : object * object * string -> string
        val resetStyles : object -> unit
        val reparseAllForSettings : object * bool -> bool
        val getStyleByPaths : object * string * string * gtype -> object
        val getDefaultFiles : unit -> object
        val setDefaultFiles : (string vector) -> unit
        val addDefaultFile : string -> unit
    structure Timeout:
        val remove : int -> unit
    structure Selection:
        val ownerSetForDisplay : object * object * Word32.word * int -> bool
    structure Check:
        val version : int * int * int -> string
    structure Hpaned:
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure Binding:
        val parseBinding : object -> int
        val entryAddSignall : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t * string * (object list) -> unit
        val entryRemove : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> unit
        val entryAddSignal : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t * string * int -> unit
        val entryClear : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> unit
    structure Grab:
        val getCurrent : unit -> object
    structure Disable:
        val setlocale : unit -> unit
    structure Main:
        val iterationDo : bool -> bool
        val iteration : unit -> bool
        val quit : unit -> unit
        val level : unit -> int
        val doEvent : object -> unit
    structure Draw:
        val insertionCursor : object * object * object * object * bool * TextDirection.t * bool -> unit
    structure Target:
        val listAddUriTargets : object * int -> unit
        val listAddImageTargets : object * int * bool -> unit
        val listAddTextTargets : object * int -> unit
    structure Hruler:
        val getType : unit -> gtype
    structure Bindings:
        val activateEvent : object * object -> bool
        val activate : object * int * Gdk.ModifierType.t -> bool
    structure Ui:
        val managerGetType : unit -> gtype
    structure Input:
        val remove : int -> unit
    structure Hbutton:
        val boxGetType : unit -> gtype

________ Description _________________________________________________

We do not give a full documentation here. We rather recommend to read the Porting Guide. It gives a comprehensive overview on what has been made available.

last modified 2005/Aug/03 09:17