signature CANVAS structure Canvas : CANVAS
The Canvas structure provides access to a canvas implementation based on the Tcl/Tk canvas widget.
See the overview page for a general introduction to the GTK library binding.
See also: GLib Pango Atk, Gdk, Gtk, Glade
import signature CANVAS from "x-alice:/lib/gtk/CANVAS-sig" import structure Canvas from "x-alice:/lib/gtk/Canvas"
signature CANVAS = sig type object = Core.object type gtype = Core.gtype type gvalue = Core.gvalue type prop = Core.prop type prop_initializer = Core.prop_initializer (* begin of CORE-sig.aml *) datatype event = EVENT_NOTHING | EVENT_DELETE | EVENT_DESTROY | EVENT_EXPOSE of {window:object, send:bool, area_x:int, area_y:int, area_height:int, area_width:int, region:object, count:int} | EVENT_MOTION_NOTIFY of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, is_hint:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_BUTTON_PRESS of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_2BUTTON_PRESS of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_3BUTTON_PRESS of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_BUTTON_RELEASE of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_KEY_PRESS of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, state:int, keyval:int, length:int, string:string, hardware_keycode:int, group:int} | EVENT_KEY_RELEASE of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, state:int, keyval:int, length:int, string:string, hardware_keycode:int, group:int} | EVENT_ENTER_NOTIFY of {window:object, send:bool, subwindow:object, time:int, x:real, y:real, x_root:real, y_root:real, mode:int, detail:int, focus:bool, state:int} | EVENT_LEAVE_NOTIFY of {window:object, send:bool, subwindow:object, time:int, x:real, y:real, x_root:real, y_root:real, mode:int, detail:int, focus:bool, state:int} | EVENT_FOCUS_CHANGE of {window:object, send:bool, hasFocus:bool} | EVENT_CONFIGURE of {window:object, send:bool, x:int, y:int, width:int, height:int} | EVENT_MAP | EVENT_UNMAP | EVENT_PROPERTY_NOTIFY | EVENT_SELECTION_CLEAR | EVENT_SELECTION_REQUEST | EVENT_SELECTION_NOTIFY | EVENT_PROXIMITY_IN | EVENT_PROXIMITY_OUT | EVENT_DRAG_ENTER | EVENT_DRAG_LEAVE | EVENT_DRAG_MOTION | EVENT_DRAG_STATUS | EVENT_DROP_START | EVENT_DROP_FINISHED | EVENT_CLIENT_EVENT | EVENT_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY of {window:object, send:bool, state:int} | EVENT_NO_EXPOSE of {window:object, send:bool} | EVENT_SCROLL of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, direction:int, device:object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_WINDOW_STATE | EVENT_SETTING | EVENT_UNSUPPORTED of object datatype arg = BOOL of bool | INT of int | REAL of real | STRING of string | OBJECT of object | LIST of object list | EVENT of event val NULL : object val TRUE : int val FALSE : int type callback_function = object * arg list -> unit val signalConnect : object * string * callback_function -> int val signalConnectAfter : object * string * callback_function -> int val signalDisconnect : object * int -> unit val signalHandlerBlock : object * int -> unit val signalHandlerUnblock : object * int -> unit val latin1ToUtf8 : string -> string val utf8ToLatin1 : string -> string val lock : Lock.lock structure Types : sig val string : gtype val int : gtype val float : gtype val double : gtype val pixbuf : gtype end structure Value : sig (* exception TypeError *) val undefined : unit -> gvalue val int : int -> gvalue val enum : int * gtype -> gvalue val string : string -> gvalue val float : real -> gvalue val double : real -> gvalue val bool : bool -> gvalue val object : object -> gvalue val toInt : gvalue -> int val toString : gvalue -> string val toReal : gvalue -> real val toBool : gvalue -> bool val toObject : gvalue -> object val getType : gvalue -> gtype end structure Prop : sig val setL : object -> prop_initializer list -> unit val set : 'a prop -> object * 'a -> unit val get : 'a prop -> object -> 'a val rawSet : object * string * gvalue -> unit val rawGet : object * string -> gvalue val name : 'a prop -> string val prop : 'a prop * 'a -> prop_initializer (* creation *) val newProp : string * ('a -> gvalue) * (gvalue -> 'a) -> 'a prop end (* end of CORE-sig.aml *) structure Points : sig (* constructors *) val new : int -> object (* methods *) val set : object * int * real -> unit end structure CanvasPathDef : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val new : unit -> object end structure Widget : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Text : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) val yOffset : real prop val y : real prop val xOffset : real prop val x : real prop val weightSet : bool prop val weight : int prop val variantSet : bool prop val variant : Pango.Variant.t prop val underlineSet : bool prop val underline : Pango.Underline.t prop val textWidth : real prop val textHeight : real prop val text : string prop val styleSet : bool prop val style : Pango.Style.t prop val strikethroughSet : bool prop val strikethrough : bool prop val stretchSet : bool prop val stretch : Pango.Stretch.t prop val sizeSet : bool prop val sizePoints : real prop val size : int prop val scaleSet : bool prop val scale : real prop val riseSet : bool prop val rise : int prop val markup : string prop val justification : Gtk.Justification.t prop val fontDesc : object prop val font : string prop val fillStipple : object prop val fillColorGdk : object prop val fillColor : string prop val familySet : bool prop val family : string prop val clipWidth : int prop val clipHeight : int prop val clip : bool prop val attributes : object prop val anchor : Gtk.AnchorType.t prop end structure Bpath : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) (* properties *) end structure Polygon : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Ellipse : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Rect : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure RE : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) (* properties *) val y2 : real prop val y1 : real prop val x2 : real prop val x1 : real prop end structure Shape : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) (* properties *) val wind : int prop val widthUnits : real prop val widthPixels : int prop val outlineStipple : object prop val outlineColorGdk : object prop val outlineColor : string prop val miterlimit : real prop val joinStyle : Gdk.JoinStyle.t prop val fillStipple : object prop val fillColor : string prop val fillColorGdk : object prop val capStyle : Gdk.CapStyle.t prop end structure RichText : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Pixbuf : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Line : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) val points : ((real * real) list) prop val widthUnits : real prop val widthPixels : int prop val splineSteps : int prop val smooth : bool prop val capStyle : Gdk.CapStyle.t prop val lineStyle : Gdk.LineStyle.t prop val joinStyle : Gdk.JoinStyle.t prop val lastArrowhead : bool prop val firstArrowhead : bool prop val fillStipple : object prop val fillColor : string prop val fillColorGdk : object prop val arrowShapeC : real prop val arrowShapeB : real prop val arrowShapeA : real prop end structure Clipgroup : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) (* properties *) end structure Group : sig (* constructors *) val new : { item_list : object list } -> object (* methods *) val getType : unit -> gtype val add : object * gtype * string -> object val newItem : object * gtype -> object val getFieldItemList : object -> object list val setFieldItemList : object * (object list) -> unit (* properties *) val y : real prop val x : real prop end structure Item : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getBounds : object * real * real * real * real -> real * real * real * real val grabFocus : object -> unit val reparent : object * object -> unit val i2cAffine : object * (real vector) -> unit val i2wAffine : object * (real vector) -> unit val i2w : object * real * real -> real * real val w2i : object * real * real -> real * real val hide : object -> unit val show : object -> unit val lowerToBottom : object -> unit val raiseToTop : object -> unit val lowerWindow : object * int -> unit val raiseWindow : object * int -> unit val affineAbsolute : object * (real vector) -> unit val affineRelative : object * (real vector) -> unit val move : object * real * real -> unit val set : object * string -> unit val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) val parent : object prop end val newAa : unit -> object val new : unit -> object val getDither : object -> Gdk.RgbDither.t val setDither : object * Gdk.RgbDither.t -> unit val getColorPixel : object * int -> int val getColor : object * string * object -> int val worldToWindow : object * real * real * real * real -> real * real val windowToWorld : object * real * real * real * real -> real * real val c2w : object * int * int * real * real -> real * real val w2cD : object * real * real * real * real -> real * real val w2c : object * real * real * int * int -> int * int val w2cAffine : object * (real vector) -> unit val getItemAt : object * real * real -> object val updateNow : object -> unit val getScrollOffsets : object * int * int -> int * int val scrollTo : object * int * int -> unit val getScrollRegion : object * real * real * real * real -> real * real * real * real val setScrollRegion : object * real * real * real * real -> unit val setCenterScrollRegion : object * bool -> unit val setPixelsPerUnit : object * real -> unit val root : object -> object val getType : unit -> gtype end
We do not give a full documentation here. We rather recommend
to read the Porting Guide. It
gives a comprehensive overview on what has been made available.