signature GDK structure Gdk : GDK
The Gdk structure is the platform abstraction layer of Gtk. It provides access to a number of supplementary functions used by Gtk and the Canvas.
See the overview page for a general introduction to the GTK library binding.
See also: GLib, Pango, Atk, Gtk, Canvas, Glade
import signature GDK from "x-alice:/lib/gtk/GDK-sig" import structure Gdk from "x-alice:/lib/gtk/Gdk"
signature GDK = sig type object = Core.object type gtype = Core.gtype type gvalue = Core.gvalue type prop = Core.prop type prop_initializer = Core.prop_initializer (* begin of CORE-sig.aml *) datatype event = EVENT_NOTHING | EVENT_DELETE | EVENT_DESTROY | EVENT_EXPOSE of {window:object, send:bool, area_x:int, area_y:int, area_height:int, area_width:int, region:object, count:int} | EVENT_MOTION_NOTIFY of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, is_hint:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_BUTTON_PRESS of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_2BUTTON_PRESS of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_3BUTTON_PRESS of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_BUTTON_RELEASE of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, button:int, device: object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_KEY_PRESS of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, state:int, keyval:int, length:int, string:string, hardware_keycode:int, group:int} | EVENT_KEY_RELEASE of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, state:int, keyval:int, length:int, string:string, hardware_keycode:int, group:int} | EVENT_ENTER_NOTIFY of {window:object, send:bool, subwindow:object, time:int, x:real, y:real, x_root:real, y_root:real, mode:int, detail:int, focus:bool, state:int} | EVENT_LEAVE_NOTIFY of {window:object, send:bool, subwindow:object, time:int, x:real, y:real, x_root:real, y_root:real, mode:int, detail:int, focus:bool, state:int} | EVENT_FOCUS_CHANGE of {window:object, send:bool, hasFocus:bool} | EVENT_CONFIGURE of {window:object, send:bool, x:int, y:int, width:int, height:int} | EVENT_MAP | EVENT_UNMAP | EVENT_PROPERTY_NOTIFY | EVENT_SELECTION_CLEAR | EVENT_SELECTION_REQUEST | EVENT_SELECTION_NOTIFY | EVENT_PROXIMITY_IN | EVENT_PROXIMITY_OUT | EVENT_DRAG_ENTER | EVENT_DRAG_LEAVE | EVENT_DRAG_MOTION | EVENT_DRAG_STATUS | EVENT_DROP_START | EVENT_DROP_FINISHED | EVENT_CLIENT_EVENT | EVENT_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY of {window:object, send:bool, state:int} | EVENT_NO_EXPOSE of {window:object, send:bool} | EVENT_SCROLL of {window:object, send:bool, time:int, x:real, y:real, state:int, direction:int, device:object, x_root:real, y_root:real} | EVENT_WINDOW_STATE | EVENT_SETTING | EVENT_UNSUPPORTED of object datatype arg = BOOL of bool | INT of int | REAL of real | STRING of string | OBJECT of object | LIST of object list | EVENT of event val NULL : object val TRUE : int val FALSE : int type callback_function = object * arg list -> unit val signalConnect : object * string * callback_function -> int val signalConnectAfter : object * string * callback_function -> int val signalDisconnect : object * int -> unit val signalHandlerBlock : object * int -> unit val signalHandlerUnblock : object * int -> unit val latin1ToUtf8 : string -> string val utf8ToLatin1 : string -> string val lock : Lock.lock structure Types : sig val string : gtype val int : gtype val float : gtype val double : gtype val pixbuf : gtype end structure Value : sig (* exception TypeError *) val undefined : unit -> gvalue val int : int -> gvalue val enum : int * gtype -> gvalue val string : string -> gvalue val float : real -> gvalue val double : real -> gvalue val bool : bool -> gvalue val object : object -> gvalue val toInt : gvalue -> int val toString : gvalue -> string val toReal : gvalue -> real val toBool : gvalue -> bool val toObject : gvalue -> object val getType : gvalue -> gtype end structure Prop : sig val setL : object -> prop_initializer list -> unit val set : 'a prop -> object * 'a -> unit val get : 'a prop -> object -> 'a val rawSet : object * string * gvalue -> unit val rawGet : object * string -> gvalue val name : 'a prop -> string val prop : 'a prop * 'a -> prop_initializer (* creation *) val newProp : string * ('a -> gvalue) * (gvalue -> 'a) -> 'a prop end (* end of CORE-sig.aml *) structure InterpType : sig datatype t = BILINEAR | HYPER | NEAREST | TILES val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure PixbufError : sig datatype t = CORRUPT_IMAGE | FAILED | INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY | UNKNOWN_TYPE | UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure Colorspace : sig datatype t = B val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure PixbufAlphaMode : sig datatype t = BILEVEL | FULL val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure WindowEdge : sig datatype t = EAST | NORTH | NORTH_EAST | NORTH_WEST | SOUTH | SOUTH_EAST | SOUTH_WEST | WEST val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure Gravity : sig datatype t = CENTER | EAST | NORTH | NORTH_EAST | NORTH_WEST | SOUTH | SOUTH_EAST | SOUTH_WEST | STATIC | WEST val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure WMFunction : sig datatype flag = ALL | CLOSE | MAXIMIZE | MINIMIZE | MOVE | RESIZE type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure WMDecoration : sig datatype flag = ALL | BORDER | MAXIMIZE | MENU | MINIMIZE | RESIZEH | TITLE type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure WindowTypeHint : sig datatype t = DESKTOP | DIALOG | DOCK | MENU | NORMAL | SPLASHSCREEN | TOOLBAR | UTILITY val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure WindowHints : sig datatype flag = ASPECT | BASE_SIZE | MAX_SIZE | MIN_SIZE | POS | RESIZE_INC | USER_POS | USER_SIZE | WIN_GRAVITY type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure WindowAttributesType : sig datatype flag = COLORMAP | CURSOR | NOREDIR | TITLE | VISUAL | WMCLASS | X | Y type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure WindowType : sig datatype t = CHILD | DIALOG | FOREIGN | ROOT | TEMP | TOPLEVEL val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure WindowClass : sig datatype t = NLY | UTPUT val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure VisualType : sig datatype t = DIRECT_COLOR | GRAYSCALE | PSEUDO_COLOR | STATIC_COLOR | STATIC_GRAY | TRUE_COLOR val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure GrabStatus : sig datatype t = ALREADY_GRABBED | FROZEN | INVALID_TIME | NOT_VIEWABLE | SUCCESS val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure Status : sig datatype t = ERROR | ERROR_FILE | ERROR_MEM | ERROR_PARAM | OK val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure InputCondition : sig datatype flag = EXCEPTION | READ | WRITE type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure ModifierType : sig datatype flag = BUTTON1_MASK | BUTTON2_MASK | BUTTON3_MASK | BUTTON4_MASK | BUTTON5_MASK | CONTROL_MASK | LOCK_MASK | MOD1_MASK | MOD2_MASK | MOD3_MASK | MOD4_MASK | MOD5_MASK | MODIFIER_MASK | RELEASE_MASK | SHIFT_MASK type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure ByteOrder : sig datatype t = LSB_FIRST | MSB_FIRST val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure RgbDither : sig datatype t = MAX | NONE | NORMAL val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure OverlapType : sig datatype t = IN | OUT | PART val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure FillRule : sig datatype t = EVEN_ODD_RULE | WINDING_RULE val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure PropMode : sig datatype t = APPEND | PREPEND | REPLACE val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure AxisUse : sig datatype t = IGNORE | LAST | PRESSURE | WHEEL | X | XTILT | Y | YTILT val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure InputMode : sig datatype t = DISABLED | SCREEN | WINDOW val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure InputSource : sig datatype t = CURSOR | ERASER | MOUSE | PEN val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure ExtensionMode : sig datatype t = ALL | CURSOR | NONE val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure ImageType : sig datatype t = FASTEST | NORMAL | SHARED val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure GCValuesMask : sig datatype flag = BACKGROUND | CAP_STYLE | CLIP_MASK | CLIP_X_ORIGIN | CLIP_Y_ORIGIN | EXPOSURES | FILL | FONT | FOREGROUND | FUNCTION | JOIN_STYLE | LINE_STYLE | LINE_WIDTH | STIPPLE | SUBWINDOW | TILE | TS_X_ORIGIN | TS_Y_ORIGIN type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure SubwindowMode : sig datatype t = CLIP_BY_CHILDREN | INCLUDE_INFERIORS val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure LineStyle : sig datatype t = DOUBLE_DASH | ON_OFF_DASH | SOLID val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure JoinStyle : sig datatype t = BEVEL | MITER | ROUND val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure Function : sig datatype t = AND | AND_INVERT | AND_REVERSE | CLEAR | COPY | COPY_INVERT | EQUIV | INVERT | NAND | NOOP | NOR | OR | OR_INVERT | OR_REVERSE | SET | XOR val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure Fill : sig datatype t = OPAQUE_STIPPLED | SOLID | STIPPLED | TILED val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure CapStyle : sig datatype t = BUTT | NOT_LAST | PROJECTING | ROUND val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure FontType : sig datatype t = FONT | FONTSET val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure SettingAction : sig datatype t = CHANGED | DELETED | NEW val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure WindowState : sig datatype flag = ABOVE | BELOW | FULLSCREEN | ICONIFIED | MAXIMIZED | STICKY | WITHDRAWN type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure PropertyState : sig datatype t = DELETE | NEW_VALUE val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure CrossingMode : sig datatype t = GRAB | NORMAL | UNGRAB val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure NotifyType : sig datatype t = ANCESTOR | INFERIOR | NONLINEAR | NONLINEAR_VIRTUAL | UNKNOWN | VIRTUAL val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure ScrollDirection : sig datatype t = DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT | UP val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure VisibilityState : sig datatype t = FULLY_OBSCURED | PARTIAL | UNOBSCURED val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure EventMask : sig datatype flag = ALL_EVENTS_MASK | BUTTON1_MOTION_MASK | BUTTON2_MOTION_MASK | BUTTON3_MOTION_MASK | BUTTON_MOTION_MASK | BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | EXPOSURE_MASK | FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK | KEY_PRESS_MASK | KEY_RELEASE_MASK | LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | POINTER_MOTION_MASK | PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK | PROXIMITY_IN_MASK | PROXIMITY_OUT_MASK | SCROLL_MASK | STRUCTURE_MASK | SUBSTRUCTURE_MASK | VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure EventType : sig datatype t = BUTTON2_PRESS | BUTTON3_PRESS | BUTTON_PRESS | BUTTON_RELEASE | CLIENT_EVENT | CONFIGURE | DELETE | DESTROY | DRAG_ENTER | DRAG_LEAVE | DRAG_MOTION | DRAG_STATUS | DROP_FINISHED | DROP_START | ENTER_NOTIFY | EXPOSE | FOCUS_CHANGE | KEY_PRESS | KEY_RELEASE | LEAVE_NOTIFY | MAP | MOTION_NOTIFY | NOTHING | NO_EXPOSE | PROPERTY_NOTIFY | PROXIMITY_IN | PROXIMITY_OUT | SCROLL | SELECTION_CLEAR | SELECTION_NOTIFY | SELECTION_REQUEST | SETTING | UNMAP | VISIBILITY_NOTIFY | WINDOW_STATE val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure FilterReturn : sig datatype t = CONTINUE | REMOVE | TRANSLATE val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure DragProtocol : sig datatype t = LOCAL | MOTIF | NONE | OLE2 | ROOTWIN | WIN32_DROPFILES | XDND val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure DragAction : sig datatype flag = ASK | COPY | DEFAULT | LINK | MOVE | PRIVATE type t = flag list val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure CursorType : sig datatype t = GDK_CURSOR_IS_PIXMAP val getType : unit -> gtype val toInt : t -> int val fromInt : int -> t end structure Rectangle : sig (* constructors *) val new : { height : int, width : int, x : int, y : int } -> object (* methods *) val union : object * object * object -> unit val intersect : object * object * object -> bool val getFieldY : object -> int val setFieldY : object * int -> unit val getFieldX : object -> int val setFieldX : object * int -> unit val getFieldWidth : object -> int val setFieldWidth : object * int -> unit val getFieldHeight : object -> int val setFieldHeight : object * int -> unit end structure Cursor : sig (* constructors *) val newFromPixbuf : object * object * int * int -> object val newFromPixmap : object * object * object * object * int * int -> object val newForDisplay : object * CursorType.t -> object val new : CursorType.t -> object (* methods *) val getDisplay : object -> object val getFieldType : object -> CursorType.t val setFieldType : object * CursorType.t -> unit end structure Color : sig (* constructors *) val new : { blue : int, green : int, red : int } -> object (* methods *) val parse : string * object -> int val getFieldRed : object -> int val setFieldRed : object * int -> unit val getFieldGreen : object -> int val setFieldGreen : object * int -> unit val getFieldBlue : object -> int val setFieldBlue : object * int -> unit end structure Font : sig (* constructors *) val load : string -> object (* methods *) val stringExtents : object * string * int * int * int * int * int -> int * int * int * int * int val extents : object * string * int * int * int * int * int * int -> int * int * int * int * int val charHeight : object * char -> int val height : object * string * int -> int val stringHeight : object * string -> int val charMeasure : object * char -> int val measure : object * string * int -> int val stringMeasure : object * string -> int val charWidth : object * char -> int val width : object * string * int -> int val stringWidth : object * string -> int val fromDescription : object -> object val fromDescriptionForDisplay : object * object -> object val loadForDisplay : object * string -> object val id : object -> int val getFieldType : object -> FontType.t val setFieldType : object * FontType.t -> unit val getFieldDescent : object -> int val setFieldDescent : object * int -> unit val getFieldAscent : object -> int val setFieldAscent : object * int -> unit end structure Event : sig (* constructors *) val new : EventType.t -> object (* methods *) val getScreen : object -> object val setScreen : object * object -> unit val getAxis : object * AxisUse.t * real -> bool * real val getRootCoords : object * real * real -> bool * real * real val getCoords : object * real * real -> bool * real * real val getState : object * ModifierType.t -> bool * ModifierType.t val getTime : object -> int val free : object -> unit val copy : object -> object val put : object -> unit val getGraphicsExpose : object -> object val peek : unit -> object val get : unit -> object val getType : unit -> gtype end structure PixbufFormat : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val isWritable : object -> bool val getExtensions : object -> object val getMimeTypes : object -> object val getDescription : object -> string val getName : object -> string end structure Region : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) end structure Point : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) end structure Bitmap : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val createFromData : object * string * int * int -> object end structure Visual : sig (* constructors *) val getBestWithBoth : int * VisualType.t -> object (* methods *) val getScreen : object -> object val getBestWithType : VisualType.t -> object val getBestWithDepth : int -> object val getBest : unit -> object val getSystem : unit -> object val getBestType : unit -> VisualType.t val getBestDepth : unit -> int val getFieldType : object -> VisualType.t val setFieldType : object * VisualType.t -> unit val getFieldRedShift : object -> int val setFieldRedShift : object * int -> unit val getFieldRedPrec : object -> int val setFieldRedPrec : object * int -> unit val getFieldRedMask : object -> int val setFieldRedMask : object * int -> unit val getFieldGreenShift : object -> int val setFieldGreenShift : object * int -> unit val getFieldGreenPrec : object -> int val setFieldGreenPrec : object * int -> unit val getFieldGreenMask : object -> int val setFieldGreenMask : object * int -> unit val getFieldDepth : object -> int val setFieldDepth : object * int -> unit val getFieldColormapSize : object -> int val setFieldColormapSize : object * int -> unit val getFieldByteOrder : object -> ByteOrder.t val setFieldByteOrder : object * ByteOrder.t -> unit val getFieldBlueShift : object -> int val setFieldBlueShift : object * int -> unit val getFieldBluePrec : object -> int val setFieldBluePrec : object * int -> unit val getFieldBlueMask : object -> int val setFieldBlueMask : object * int -> unit val getFieldBitsPerRgb : object -> int val setFieldBitsPerRgb : object * int -> unit (* properties *) end structure Screen : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val alternativeDialogButtonOrder : object -> bool val getSetting : object * string -> bool * gvalue val getDefault : unit -> object val broadcastClientMessage : object * object -> unit val getMonitorAtWindow : object * object -> int val getMonitorAtPoint : object * int * int -> int val getMonitorGeometry : object * int * object -> unit val getNMonitors : object -> int val makeDisplayName : object -> string val getToplevelWindows : object -> object list val listVisuals : object -> object list val getHeightMm : object -> int val getWidthMm : object -> int val getHeight : object -> int val getWidth : object -> int val getNumber : object -> int val getDisplay : object -> object val getRootWindow : object -> object val getRgbVisual : object -> object val getRgbColormap : object -> object val getSystemVisual : object -> object val getSystemColormap : object -> object val setDefaultColormap : object * object -> unit val getDefaultColormap : object -> object val getType : unit -> gtype val heightMm : unit -> int val widthMm : unit -> int val height : unit -> int val width : unit -> int (* properties *) end structure PixbufLoader : sig (* constructors *) val newWithType : string -> object (* methods *) val getFormat : object -> object val setSize : object * int * int -> unit val close : object -> bool val getAnimation : object -> object val getPixbuf : object -> object val write : object * string * int -> bool val newWithMimeType : string -> object val new : unit -> object val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure PixbufAnimationIter : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val advance : object * object -> bool val onCurrentlyLoadingFrame : object -> bool val getPixbuf : object -> object val getDelayTime : object -> int val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure PixbufAnimation : sig (* constructors *) val newFromFile : string -> object (* methods *) val getIter : object * object -> object val getStaticImage : object -> object val isStaticImage : object -> bool val getHeight : object -> int val getWidth : object -> int val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Pixbuf : sig (* constructors *) val new : Colorspace.t * bool * int * int * int -> object (* methods *) val getFileInfo : string * int * int -> object * int * int val getFormats : unit -> object list val getOption : object * string -> string val compositeColorSimple : object * int * int * InterpType.t * int * int * int * int -> object val scaleSimple : object * int * int * InterpType.t -> object val compositeColor : object * object * int * int * int * int * real * real * real * real * InterpType.t * int * int * int * int * int * int -> unit val composite : object * object * int * int * int * int * real * real * real * real * InterpType.t * int -> unit val scale : object * object * int * int * int * int * real * real * real * real * InterpType.t -> unit val saturateAndPixelate : object * object * real * bool -> unit val copyArea : object * int * int * int * int * object * int * int -> unit val addAlpha : object * bool * char * char * char -> object val savev : object * string * string * (string vector) * (string vector) -> bool val save : object * string * string -> bool val fill : object * int -> unit val subpixbuf : object * int * int * int * int -> object val newFromInline : int * string * bool -> object val newFromXpmData : (string vector) -> object val newFromData : string * Colorspace.t * bool * int * int * int * int * object * object -> object val newFromFileAtSize : string * int * int -> object val newFromFile : string -> object val copy : object -> object val getRowstride : object -> int val getHeight : object -> int val getWidth : object -> int val getPixels : object -> string val getBitsPerSample : object -> int val getHasAlpha : object -> bool val getNChannels : object -> int val getColorspace : object -> Colorspace.t val getFromImage : object * object * object * int * int * int * int * int * int -> object val getFromDrawable : object * object * object * int * int * int * int * int * int -> object val renderPixmapAndMask : object * int -> object * object val renderToDrawableAlpha : object * object * int * int * int * int * int * int * PixbufAlphaMode.t * int * RgbDither.t * int * int -> unit val renderToDrawable : object * object * object * int * int * int * int * int * int * RgbDither.t * int * int -> unit (* properties *) end structure Keymap : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val getDirection : object -> Pango.Direction.t val translateKeyboardState : object * int * ModifierType.t * int * int * int * int * ModifierType.t -> bool * int * int * int * ModifierType.t val getForDisplay : object -> object val getDefault : unit -> object val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Image : sig (* constructors *) val new : ImageType.t * object * int * int -> object (* methods *) val getColormap : object -> object val setColormap : object * object -> unit val getPixel : object * int * int -> int val putPixel : object * int * int * int -> unit val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure GC : sig (* constructors *) val gdkGcNew : object -> object (* methods *) val setRgbBgColor : object * object -> unit val setRgbFgColor : object * object -> unit val getColormap : object -> object val setColormap : object * object -> unit val copy : object * object -> unit val offset : object * int * int -> unit val setLineAttributes : object * int * LineStyle.t * CapStyle.t * JoinStyle.t -> unit val setExposures : object * bool -> unit val setSubwindow : object * SubwindowMode.t -> unit val setClipRegion : object * object -> unit val setClipRectangle : object * object -> unit val setClipMask : object * object -> unit val setClipOrigin : object * int * int -> unit val setTsOrigin : object * int * int -> unit val setStipple : object * object -> unit val setTile : object * object -> unit val setFill : object * Fill.t -> unit val setFont : object * object -> unit val setBackground : object * object -> unit val setForeground : object * object -> unit (* properties *) end structure Pixmap : sig (* constructors *) val new : object * int * int * int -> object (* methods *) val colormapCreateFromXpmD : object * object * object * (string vector) -> object * object val createFromXpmD : object * object * (string vector) -> object * object val colormapCreateFromXpm : object * object * object * string -> object * object val createFromXpm : object * object * string -> object * object val createFromData : object * string * int * int * int * object * object -> object val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Window : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val configureFinished : object -> unit val enableSynchronizedConfigure : object -> unit val setFocusOnMap : object * bool -> unit val setAcceptFocus : object * bool -> unit val getInternalPaintInfo : object * int * int -> object * int * int val setDebugUpdates : bool -> unit val processUpdates : object * bool -> unit val processAllUpdates : unit -> unit val thawUpdates : object -> unit val freezeUpdates : object -> unit val getUpdateArea : object -> object val invalidateRegion : object * object * bool -> unit val invalidateRect : object * object * bool -> unit val beginMoveDrag : object * int * int * int * int -> unit val beginResizeDrag : object * WindowEdge.t * int * int * int * int -> unit val registerDnd : object -> unit val unfullscreen : object -> unit val fullscreen : object -> unit val unmaximize : object -> unit val maximize : object -> unit val unstick : object -> unit val stick : object -> unit val deiconify : object -> unit val iconify : object -> unit val getToplevels : unit -> object list val getDecorations : object * WMDecoration.t -> bool * WMDecoration.t val setDecorations : object * WMDecoration.t -> unit val getGroup : object -> object val setGroup : object * object -> unit val setIconName : object * string -> unit val setIcon : object * object * object * object -> unit val setIconList : object * (object list) -> unit val setEvents : object * EventMask.t -> unit val getEvents : object -> EventMask.t val peekChildren : object -> object list val getChildren : object -> object list val getToplevel : object -> object val getParent : object -> object val getPointer : object * int * int * ModifierType.t -> object * int * int * ModifierType.t val getFrameExtents : object * object -> unit val getRootOrigin : object * int * int -> int * int val getDeskrelativeOrigin : object * int * int -> bool * int * int val getOrigin : object * int * int -> int * int * int val getPosition : object * int * int -> int * int val getGeometry : object * int * int * int * int * int -> int * int * int * int * int val setCursor : object * object -> unit val setBackPixmap : object * object * bool -> unit val setBackground : object * object -> unit val setTransientFor : object * object -> unit val setRole : object * string -> unit val setTitle : object * string -> unit val endPaint : object -> unit val beginPaintRegion : object * object -> unit val beginPaintRect : object * object -> unit val setSkipPagerHint : object * bool -> unit val setSkipTaskbarHint : object * bool -> unit val setModalHint : object * bool -> unit val setTypeHint : object * WindowTypeHint.t -> unit val setHints : object * int * int * int * int * int * int * int -> unit val setStaticGravities : object * bool -> bool val getState : object -> WindowState.t val isViewable : object -> bool val isVisible : object -> bool val mergeChildShapes : object -> unit val setChildShapes : object -> unit val shapeCombineMask : object * object * int * int -> unit val scroll : object * int * int -> unit val setOverrideRedirect : object * bool -> unit val setUserData : object * object -> unit val focus : object * int -> unit val lowerWindow : object -> unit val raiseWindow : object -> unit val clearAreaE : object * int * int * int * int -> unit val clearArea : object * int * int * int * int -> unit val clear : object -> unit val reparent : object * object * int * int -> unit val moveResize : object * int * int * int * int -> unit val resize : object * int * int -> unit val move : object * int * int -> unit val withdraw : object -> unit val hide : object -> unit val show : object -> unit val atPointer : int * int -> object * int * int val getWindowType : object -> WindowType.t val destroy : object -> unit val setKeepBelow : object * bool -> unit val setKeepAbove : object * bool -> unit val objectGetType : unit -> gtype val selectionConvert : object * Word32.word * Word32.word * int -> unit val propertyDelete : object * Word32.word -> unit val propertyChange : object * Word32.word * Word32.word * int * PropMode.t * string * int -> unit val inputSetExtensionEvents : object * int * ExtensionMode.t -> unit val dragBegin : object * (object list) -> object (* properties *) end structure Drawable : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val drawGrayImage : object * object * int * int * int * int * RgbDither.t * string * int -> unit val drawRgb32Image : object * object * int * int * int * int * RgbDither.t * string * int -> unit val drawRgbImageDithalign : object * object * int * int * int * int * RgbDither.t * string * int * int * int -> unit val drawRgbImage : object * object * int * int * int * int * RgbDither.t * string * int -> unit val imageGet : object * int * int * int * int -> object val getVisibleRegion : object -> object val getClipRegion : object -> object val getImage : object * int * int * int * int -> object val drawLayout : object * object * int * int * object -> unit val drawLayoutLine : object * object * int * int * object -> unit val drawGlyphs : object * object * object * int * int * object -> unit val drawPixbuf : object * object * object * int * int * int * int * int * int * RgbDither.t * int * int -> unit val drawLines : object * object * object * int -> unit val drawPoints : object * object * object * int -> unit val drawImage : object * object * object * int * int * int * int * int * int -> unit val drawDrawable : object * object * object * int * int * int * int * int * int -> unit val drawText : object * object * object * int * int * string * int -> unit val drawString : object * object * object * int * int * string -> unit val drawPolygon : object * object * bool * object * int -> unit val drawArc : object * object * bool * int * int * int * int * int * int -> unit val drawRectangle : object * object * bool * int * int * int * int -> unit val drawLine : object * object * int * int * int * int -> unit val drawPoint : object * object * int * int -> unit val unref : object -> unit val reference : object -> object val getDisplay : object -> object val getScreen : object -> object val getDepth : object -> int val getVisual : object -> object val getColormap : object -> object val setColormap : object * object -> unit val getSize : object * int * int -> int * int val getData : object * string -> object val setData : object * string * object * object -> unit val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure DragContext : sig (* constructors *) val new : unit -> object (* methods *) val setIconDefault : object -> unit val setIconStock : object * string * int * int -> unit val setIconPixbuf : object * object * int * int -> unit val setIconPixmap : object * object * object * object * int * int -> unit val setIconWidget : object * object * int * int -> unit val getSourceWidget : object -> object val finish : object * bool * bool * int -> unit val dragDropSucceeded : object -> bool val dragAbort : object * int -> unit val dragDrop : object * int -> unit val dragMotion : object * object * DragProtocol.t * int * int * DragAction.t * DragAction.t * int -> bool val dragFindWindowForScreen : object * object * object * int * int * DragProtocol.t -> object * DragProtocol.t val dragFindWindow : object * object * int * int * DragProtocol.t -> object * DragProtocol.t val dragGetSelection : object -> Word32.word val dropFinish : object * bool * int -> unit val dropReply : object * bool * int -> unit val dragStatus : object * DragAction.t * int -> unit val unref : object -> unit val reference : object -> unit val getType : unit -> gtype val getFieldTargets : object -> object list val setFieldTargets : object * (object list) -> unit val getFieldSuggestedAction : object -> DragAction.t val setFieldSuggestedAction : object * DragAction.t -> unit val getFieldStartTime : object -> int val setFieldStartTime : object * int -> unit val getFieldSourceWindow : object -> object val setFieldSourceWindow : object * object -> unit val getFieldProtocol : object -> DragProtocol.t val setFieldProtocol : object * DragProtocol.t -> unit val getFieldIsSource : object -> bool val setFieldIsSource : object * bool -> unit val getFieldDestWindow : object -> object val setFieldDestWindow : object * object -> unit val getFieldActions : object -> DragAction.t val setFieldActions : object * DragAction.t -> unit val getFieldAction : object -> DragAction.t val setFieldAction : object * DragAction.t -> unit (* properties *) end structure DisplayManager : sig (* constructors *) (* methods *) val listDisplays : object -> object list val setDefaultDisplay : object * object -> unit val getDefaultDisplay : object -> object val get : unit -> object val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Display : sig (* constructors *) val openDisplay : string -> object (* methods *) val getDefaultGroup : object -> object val getMaximalCursorSize : object * int * int -> int * int val getDefaultCursorSize : object -> int val supportsCursorColor : object -> bool val supportsCursorAlpha : object -> bool val setDoubleClickDistance : object * int -> unit val flush : object -> unit val storeClipboard : object * object * int * (Word32.word vector) -> unit val supportsClipboardPersistence : object -> bool val requestSelectionNotification : object * Word32.word -> bool val supportsSelectionNotification : object -> bool val openDefaultLibgtkOnly : unit -> object val getWindowAtPointer : object * int * int -> object * int * int val getCorePointer : object -> object val getDefault : unit -> object val setDoubleClickTime : object * int -> unit val putEvent : object * object -> unit val peekEvent : object -> object val getEvent : object -> object val close : object -> unit val sync : object -> unit val beep : object -> unit val pointerIsGrabbed : object -> bool val keyboardUngrab : object * int -> unit val pointerUngrab : object * int -> unit val getDefaultScreen : object -> object val getScreen : object * int -> object val getNScreens : object -> int val getName : object -> string val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Device : sig (* constructors *) val new : { axes : object, has_cursor : bool, keys : object, mode : InputMode.t, name : string, num_axes : int, num_keys : int, source : InputSource.t } -> object (* methods *) val getCorePointer : unit -> object val getAxis : object * real * AxisUse.t * real -> bool * real * real val getState : object * object * real * ModifierType.t -> real * ModifierType.t val setAxisUse : object * int * AxisUse.t -> unit val setKey : object * int * int * ModifierType.t -> unit val setMode : object * InputMode.t -> bool val setSource : object * InputSource.t -> unit val getType : unit -> gtype val getFieldSource : object -> InputSource.t val setFieldSource : object * InputSource.t -> unit val getFieldNumKeys : object -> int val setFieldNumKeys : object * int -> unit val getFieldNumAxes : object -> int val setFieldNumAxes : object * int -> unit val getFieldName : object -> string val setFieldName : object * string -> unit val getFieldMode : object -> InputMode.t val setFieldMode : object * InputMode.t -> unit val getFieldKeys : object -> object val setFieldKeys : object * object -> unit val getFieldHasCursor : object -> bool val setFieldHasCursor : object * bool -> unit val getFieldAxes : object -> object val setFieldAxes : object * object -> unit (* properties *) end structure Colormap : sig (* constructors *) val new : object * bool -> object (* methods *) val change : object * object -> int val alloc : object * object -> int val black : object * object -> int val white : object * object -> int val getScreen : object -> object val getVisual : object -> object val queryColor : object * int * object -> unit val allocColor : object * object * bool * bool -> bool val getSystem : unit -> object val getType : unit -> gtype (* properties *) end structure Pointer: sig val isGrabbed : unit -> bool val ungrab : int -> unit val grab : object * bool * EventMask.t * object * object * int -> GrabStatus.t end structure Keyval: sig val toUnicode : int -> int val isLower : int -> bool val isUpper : int -> bool val toLower : int -> int val toUpper : int -> int val convertCase : int * int * int -> int * int val fromName : string -> int val name : int -> string end structure List: sig val visuals : unit -> object list end structure Unicode: sig val toKeyval : int -> int end structure Draw: sig val layoutWithColors : object * object * int * int * object * object * object -> unit val layoutLineWithColors : object * object * int * int * object * object * object -> unit end structure Devices: sig val list : unit -> object list end structure Fontset: sig val load : string -> object val loadForDisplay : object * string -> object end structure Events: sig val pending : unit -> bool end structure Rgb: sig val getVisual : unit -> object val getCmap : unit -> object val getColormap : unit -> object val setMinColors : int -> unit val setInstall : bool -> unit val setVerbose : bool -> unit val ditherable : unit -> bool val gcSetBackground : object * int -> unit val gcSetForeground : object * int -> unit val xpixelFromRgb : int -> int end structure Gc: sig val getType : unit -> gtype end structure Threads: sig val init : unit -> unit val leave : unit -> unit val enter : unit -> unit end structure Query: sig val visualTypes : object * int -> int val depths : object * int -> int end structure Drag: sig val getProtocolForDisplay : object * int * DragProtocol.t -> int * DragProtocol.t val getProtocol : int * DragProtocol.t -> int * DragProtocol.t end structure Keyboard: sig val ungrab : int -> unit val grab : object * bool * int -> GrabStatus.t end structure Atom: sig val intern : string * bool -> Word32.word end structure Setting: sig val get : string -> bool * gvalue end structure Set: sig val pointerHooks : object -> object val smClientId : string -> unit val showEvents : bool -> unit val doubleClickTime : int -> unit end structure Get: sig val defaultRootWindow : unit -> object val showEvents : unit -> bool end structure Selection: sig val sendNotifyForDisplay : object * int * Word32.word * Word32.word * Word32.word * int -> unit val sendNotify : int * Word32.word * Word32.word * Word32.word * int -> unit val ownerGetForDisplay : object * Word32.word -> object val ownerSetForDisplay : object * object * Word32.word * int * bool -> bool val ownerGet : Word32.word -> object val ownerSet : object * Word32.word * int * bool -> bool end end
We do not give a full documentation here. We rather recommend
to read the Porting Guide. It
gives a comprehensive overview on what has been made available.