
Alice Project

The top-level environment

________ Synopsis ____________________________________________________

This section describes the top-level environment, i.e. all items that are available unqualified. It extends the Standard ML Basis' top-level environment.

________ Import ______________________________________________________

Imported implicitly.

________ Interface ___________________________________________________

The following table presents the top-level types and their defining structures. Items marked (*) are extensions to the Standard Basis.

type unit = {} General.unit
eqtype int Int.t
eqtype word Word.t
eqtype real Real.t
eqtype char Char.t
eqtype string String.t
eqtype substring Substring.t
exttype exn Exn.t
eqtype 'a vector Vector.t
eqtype 'a array Array.t
datatype 'a ref = ref of 'a Ref.t
datatype bool = false | true Bool.t
datatype order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER General.order
datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a Option.t
datatype 'a list = nil | op:: of 'a * 'a list List.t
datatype ('a,'b) alt = FST of 'a | SND of 'b Alt.t (*)
type ('a,'b) pair = 'a * 'b Pair.t (*)
type package Package.t (*)

The global exceptions are the following:

exception Alt Alt.Alt (*)
exception Assert of string * int General.Assert
exception Bind General.Bind
exception Chr General.Chr
exception Div General.Div
exception Domain General.Domain
exception Empty List.Empty
exception Fail of string General.Fail
exception Match General.Match
exception Option Option.Option
exception Overflow General.Overflow
exception Size General.Size
exception Span General.Span
exception Subscript General.Subscript
exception Unordered General.Unordered

The next table presents all non-overloaded functions:

val = : ''a * ''a -> ''a primitive
val <> : ''a * ''a -> ''a primitive
val real : int -> real Real.fromInt
val ceil : real -> int Real.ceil
val floor : real -> int Real.floor
val trunc : real -> int Real.trunc
val round : real -> int Real.round
val ord : char -> int Char.ord
val chr : int -> char Char.chr
val str : char -> string String.str
val size : char -> int String.size
val ^ : string * string -> string String.^
val concat : string list -> string String.concat
val explode : string -> char list String.explode
val implode : char list -> string String.implode
val substring : string * int * int -> string String.substring
val vector : 'a list -> 'a vector Vector.fromList
val await : 'a -> 'a Future.await
val ! : 'a ref -> 'a Ref.!
val := : 'a ref * 'a -> unit Ref.:=
val :=: : 'a ref * 'a ref -> unit Ref.:=:
val exnName : exn -> string General.exnName
val exnMessage : exn -> string General.exnName
val not : bool -> bool Bool.not
val inverse : order -> order General.inverse (*)
val isSome : 'a option -> bool Option.isSome
val isNone : 'a option -> bool Option.isNone (*)
val valOf : 'a option -> 'a Option.valOf
val getOpt : 'a option * 'a -> 'a Option.getOpt
val isFst : ('a,'b) alt -> bool Alt.isFst (*)
val isSnd : ('a,'b) alt -> bool Alt.isSnd (*)
val null : 'a list -> bool List.null
val hd : 'a list -> 'a List.hd
val tl : 'a list -> 'a list
val length : 'a list -> int List.length
val rev : 'a list -> 'a list List.rev
val @ : 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list List.@
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit
val appr : ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit List.appr
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b List.foldl
val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b List.foldr
val ignore : 'a -> unit General.ignore
val before : 'a * unit -> 'a General.before
val id : 'a -> 'a (*)
val const : 'a -> 'b -> 'a General.const (*)
val flip : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> ('b * 'a -> 'c) General.flip (*)
val curry : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) General.curry (*)
val uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'g) -> ('a * 'b -> 'c) General.uncurry (*)
val o : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> ('c -> 'b) General.o

The following functions are only available in the interactive toplevel:

val exit : 'a -> unit primitive (*)
val inspect : 'a -> unit Inspector.inspect (*)
val printVal : 'a -> unit Print.printVal (*)
val use : string -> unit primitive

Note that the use function can operate on URLs, not just local file names.

All arithmetic functions are overloaded:

val ~ : num -> num
val abs : num -> num
val + : num * num -> num
val - : num * num -> num
val * : num * num -> num
val div : wordint * wordint -> wordint
val mod : wordint * wordint -> wordint
val / : real * real -> real
val < : numtext * numtext -> bool
val > : numtext * numtext -> bool
val <= : numtext * numtext -> bool
val >= : numtext * numtext -> bool

The initial infix declarations are as follows:

    infix  7  * / div mod
    infix  6  + - ^
    infixr 5  :: @
    infix  4  = <> > >= < <=
    infix  3  := :=: o
    infix  0  before

last modified 2005/Aug/03 09:17