
Alice Project


________ Overview ____________________________________________________

This page provides an overview of the limitations of the current version of the Alice system.

________ Language ____________________________________________________

Equality types

The equality attribute of types is ignored. The = operator may be applied to values of any type. For functions and similar values it uses physical equality.

Overloaded literals

Overloading is not supported for literal constants. All literals default to their primary type.

Constructor strictness

If a (generative or non-generative) constructor has a syntactic arity not equal to 1, application of this constructor is strict in the argument (record).

Signature inclusion

Scoping of include specifications in signatures is limited: the included signature expression cannot refer to entities of the surrounding signature, nor can subsequent specifications refer to entities defined by the included signature.

Datatype replication

Datatype replication in signatures (datatype t = datatype u) is not supported yet. Since datatypes are structural, the datatype specification can be copied as a work-around. Datatype replication in structures is supported.

________ Library _____________________________________________________

Incomplete structures

Some of the implemented structures and functors from the Standard ML Basis Library lack parts of their functionality. These include:

last modified 2005/Aug/03 09:17