
Alice Project

The Store structure

________ Synopsis ____________________________________________________

    signature STORE
    structure Store : STORE

The Store structure provides an interface to the Alice store that holds all data at runtime.

Note: This is a low-level module that should be used with care. Some of its functionality can compromise abstractions to a certain extent. For example, it is not encouraged to apply deepWait to values that contain instances of abstract types.

________ Import ______________________________________________________

    import signature STORE from "x-alice:/lib/data/STORE-sig"
    import structure Store from "x-alice:/lib/data/Store"

________ Interface ___________________________________________________

signature STORE =
    val same      : 'a * 'a -> bool
    val equiv     : 'a * 'a -> bool
    val minimize  : 'a -> 'a

    val futures   : 'a -> {total : int, concurrent : int, byneed : int}
    val deepWait  : 'a -> {total : int, concurrent : int, byneed : int}

    val size      : 'a -> {nodes : int, words : int}
    val sizeQuiet : 'a -> {nodes : int, words : int}

    val collect   : int -> unit

    structure Map :
        type ('a,'b) map
        type ('a,'b) t = ('a,'b) map

        exception Unknown
        exception Collision

        val map            : unit -> ('a,'b) map
        val clone          : ('a,'b) map -> ('a,'b) map
        val fromList       : ('a * 'b) list -> ('a,'b) map
        val fromVector     : ('a * 'b) vector -> ('a,'b) map
        val toList         : ('a,'b) map -> ('a * 'b) list
        val toVector       : ('a,'b) map -> ('a * 'b) vector

        val insert         : ('a,'b) map * 'a * 'b -> unit
        val insertDisjoint : ('a,'b) map * 'a * 'b -> unit
        val insertWith     : ('b * 'b -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) map * 'a * 'b -> unit
        val insertWithi    : ('a * 'b * 'b -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) map * 'a * 'b -> unit

        val remove         : ('a,'b) map * 'a -> unit
        val removeExistent : ('a,'b) map * 'a -> unit
        val removeWith     : ('a -> unit) -> ('a,'b) map * 'a -> unit
        val removeAll      : ('a,'b) map -> unit

        val union          : ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> unit
        val unionDisjoint  : ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> unit
        val unionWith      : ('b * 'b -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> unit
        val unionWithi     : ('a * 'b * 'b -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> unit

        val intersect      : ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> unit
        val intersectWith  : ('b * 'b -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> unit
        val intersectWithi : ('a * 'b * 'b -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> unit

        val difference     : ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> unit

        val size           : ('a,'b) map -> int
        val isEmpty        : ('a,'b) map -> bool

        val member         : ('a,'b) map * 'a -> bool
        val lookup         : ('a,'b) map * 'a -> 'b option
        val lookupExistent : ('a,'b) map * 'a -> 'b
        val choose         : ('a,'b) map -> 'b option
        val choosei        : ('a,'b) map -> ('a * 'b) option

        val equal          : ('b * 'b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> bool
        val submap         : ('b * 'b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> bool
        val disjoint       : ('a,'b) map * ('a,'b) map -> bool

        val app            : ('b -> unit) -> ('a,'b) map -> unit
        val modify         : ('b -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) map -> unit
        val fold           : ('b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('a,'b) map -> 'c
        val all            : ('b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map -> bool
        val exists         : ('b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map -> bool
        val find           : ('b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map -> 'b option
        val filter         : ('b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map -> unit

        val appi           : ('a * 'b -> unit) -> ('a,'b) map -> unit
        val modifyi        : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) map -> unit
        val foldi          : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('a,'b) map -> 'c
        val alli           : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map -> bool
        val existsi        : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map -> bool
        val findi          : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map -> ('a * 'b) option
        val filteri        : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> ('a,'b) map -> unit

________ Description _________________________________________________

same (x, y)

Tests whether x and y are physically equal, i.e. represented by the same object in the store.

equiv (x, y)

Tests whether x and y represent equal infinite trees, i.e. whether their respective graphs in the store are structurally equivalent. For example,

      equiv (rec x => 1::x, rec x => 1::1::x)          = true
      equiv (rec x => 1::x, 1::(rec x => 1::x))        = true
      equiv (rec x => (ref 1)::x, rec x => (ref 1)::x) = false
      let val r = ref 1 in equiv (rec x => r::x, rec x => r::x) end = true

Note: This function may internally apply minimize to its arguments to detect equivalence.

minimize x

Minimizes the store representation of x by computing the minimal representation for x that is structurally equivalent to the original.

futures x

Computes the number of futures appearing in the representation of x. For function values, this includes futures appearing in the respective closure, as well as any internal futures used in code representations (to represent not-yet-compiled code fragments, for example).

deepWait x

Requests all futures in the representation of x until none remain. Returns the number of futures requested. Note that for function values, this may force compilation of all not-yet-compiled code fragments.

size x
sizeQuiet x

Computes the number and total size of store nodes used to represent x. While size is hyper-strict, i.e. it requests all futures in x, sizeQuiet does not request any futures but includes the sizes of closures associated with lazy futures. Note that the size of function values includes their respective closure and code representation. Due to just-in-time compilation, the size of the latter can vary over time. Ignoring concurrent interference, the following equivalence holds:

      size x = (deepWait x; sizeQuiet x)
collect gen

Triggers a garbage collection up to generation gen (if the system features a generational garbage collector).

structure Map

A polymorphic hash table based on physical equality. The interface to this structure is similar to imperative maps, except that the map type is also polymorphic in its key.

Note that, since the map is based on physical equality, its behaviour is implementation dependent to a certain degree. In particular, there is no guarantee that seperately constructed, but structurally equivalent values have separate physical representation. Also note that use of the minimize function may induce additional sharing. Validity of the hash table is not compromised by garbage collection, though. Store maps are considered resources and cannot be pickled.

last modified 2005/Aug/03 09:17