
Alice Project

The PROBLEM signature

________ Synopsis ____________________________________________________

    signature PROBLEM

A PROBLEM is a specification of a constraint problem, including recomputation policy, debug level, and branch and bound optimization. A structure with this signature can be passed as an argument to the MkSearch functor.

Have a look at the examples below.

See also: DEBUG, SEARCH, MkEngine (Distributed Search).

________ Import ______________________________________________________

    import signature PROBLEM from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/search-factory/PROBLEM-sig"

________ Interface ___________________________________________________

signature PROBLEM =
  type solution
  type space

  val root         : space
  val readSolution : space -> solution
  val copyq        : int -> bool
  val mask         : Debug.db_mask

  val bab          : bool
  val bound        : space * solution -> unit
  val compare      : solution * solution -> bool

________ Description _________________________________________________

type solution

The type of concrete solutions. Usually a tuple or a vector of integers.

type space

The type of constraint spaces. Always


The root space, that is, a fresh constraint space where constraints have been posted. The search algorithm (see SEARCH) will use this space as a starting point.

readSolution space

This function should extract a solution from a solved space (space).

copyq depth

Recomputation policy: all the nodes of the search tree whose depth satisfies the predicate copyq depth = true will be copied and used for recomputation. As an example, a fixed distance recomputation policy can be defined using fun copyq d = d mod fixedDistance = 0, where fixedDistance is a given integer. Note that although this scheme is quite flexible, it is not possible to define real adaptative policies that way.


A debug mask that selects which debug messages are to be printed. See Debug.


Should be set to true for Branch & Bound search. Otherwise (simple search), should be false.

bound (space, solution)

Should bound the given space with the given solution.

Required: This function is called only if Branch & Bound is active (that is, bab = true). Otherwise, you may define it as fun bound _ = assert false.

compare (solution1, solution2)

Should return true if and only if solution2 is better than solution1.

Required: This function is called only if Search.init or Search.betterThan are to be called. It is also used by distributed search with Branch & Bound active. In all other cases, including local search, and local Branch & Bound search, this function is not required and can be defined as fun compare _ = assert false.

________ Examples ____________________________________________________

The first example is the legacy n-queen problem. It uses a fixed distance recomputation policy. It does not use Branch & Bound, thus the corresponding functions are defined as assert false.

import structure Debug     from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/search-factory/Debug"
import structure MkSearch  from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/search-factory/MkSearch"
import structure Space     from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/Space"
import structure FD        from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/FD"
import structure Inspector from "x-alice:/lib/tools/Inspector"

(* The initial root space. *)
val root = () 
val size = 8

open FD
val cn = FD.BND
val v = rangeVec(root, size, (0, size-1))
val v1 = Vector.tabulate (size, fn i => (i, Vector.sub(v,i)))
val v2 = Vector.tabulate (size, fn i => (~i, Vector.sub(v,i)))

val _ =
    (distinctOffset(root, v1, cn);
     distinctOffset(root, v2, cn);
     distinct(root, v, cn);
     branch(root, v, B_SIZE_MIN, B_MIN))

fun toInt space v = FD.Reflect.value (space,v)
fun readSolution space = (fn var => FD.Reflect.value (space, var)) v

(* Recomputation Policy : fixed distance *)
val rdist = 3

structure Problem =
  type solution = int Vector.t
  type space =

  val root = root
  val readSolution = readSolution
  fun copyq d = d mod rdist = 0

  val bab = false
  fun bound _ = assert false
  fun compare _ = assert false

  val mask = Debug.dbNone

structure Search = MkSearch Problem

val solutions = Search.getAllSolutions ()

val _ = Inspector.inspect solutions

The second example can be described as follows: given two tuples of n integers, written Ai and Bi, create a new tuple Ci of distinct integers such that for all i, Ci is either Ai or Bi. A score is associated to each solution by computing the sum of the integers of the tuple. Greatest score is best.

import structure Debug     from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/search-factory/Debug"
import structure MkSearch  from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/search-factory/MkSearch"
import structure Space     from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/Space"
import structure FD        from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/FD"
import structure Inspector from "x-alice:/lib/tools/Inspector"

(* The initial root space. *)
val root = () 

(*** Search problem :
 *   Choose one number in each column (numbers1, numbers2)
 *   All numbers must be different
val max = 10
val size = 6
val numbers1 = #[2, 1, 2, 5, 1, 6]
val numbers2 = #[1, 3, 4, 3, 6, 7]

infix %
fun a % b = Vector.sub (a,b)

val cn = FD.BND
fun fromInt sp n = FD.intvar (sp,#[(n,n)])
fun toInt   sp v = FD.Reflect.value (sp,v)
val vars  = FD.rangeVec   (root, size, (0, max))
val reif  = FD.boolvarVec (root, size)
val nreif = FD.boolvarVec (root, size) (* means "logical-not of reif" *)
val reif2 = FD.boolvar2intvar reif
val sum   = FD.intvar (root, #[(0, size*max)])
val kvars = Vector.tabulate
		(size+1, (fn i => if i e+s) 0 sol
      val vsum = fromInt space lsum
      FD.rel (space, sum, FD.GR, vsum)
val _ =
    (* Propagators. *)
    (FD.distinct (root, vars, cn) ;
       (fn (b1, b2) => FD.nega(root, b1, b2)) (reif, nreif) ;
       (fn (i, var) =>
	     (root, var, FD.EQ, fromInt root (numbers1%i), reif%i) ;
	       (root, var, FD.EQ, fromInt root (numbers2%i), nreif%i)))
       vars ;
	 (* Sum *)
	 FD.linear (root, kvars, FD.EQ, 0, cn) ;
         (* Branching policy *)
	 FD.branch (root, reif2, FD.B_NONE, FD.B_MIN))
(* Recomputation Policy : fixed distance *)
val rdist = 3

structure Problem =
  type solution = int Vector.t
  type space =

  val root = root
  val readSolution = readSolution
  fun copyq d = d mod rdist = 0
  val bab = true
  val bound = bound

  fun compare _ = assert false
  val mask = Debug.dbNone

structure Search = MkSearch Problem

val solutions = Search.getAllSolutions ()

val _ = Inspector.inspect solutions

last modified 2005/Aug/03 09:17