
Alice Project

The MATH signature

________ Synopsis ____________________________________________________

    signature MATH
    structure Math : MATH where type real = real

An extended version of the Standard ML Basis' MATH signature.

See also: Real

________ Import ______________________________________________________

Imported implicitly.

________ Interface ___________________________________________________

    signature MATH =
	eqtype real

	val e :     real
	val pi :    real

	val sqrt :  real -> real
	val exp :   real -> real
	val pow :   real * real -> real
	val ln :    real -> real
	val log10 : real -> real

	val sin :   real -> real
	val cos :   real -> real
	val tan :   real -> real
	val asin :  real -> real
	val acos :  real -> real
	val atan :  real -> real
	val atan2 : real * real -> real
	val sinh :  real -> real
	val cosh :  real -> real
	val tanh :  real -> real
	val asinh : real -> real
	val acosh : real -> real
	val atanh : real -> real

________ Description _________________________________________________

Items not described here are as in the Standard ML Basis' MATH signature.

asinh x
acosh x
atanh x

The inverse functions of sinh, cosh and tanh.

last modified 2005/Aug/03 09:17