signature COMPILER structure Compiler : COMPILER
This structure provides runtime access to the compiler and allows evaluating Alice ML programs in source form dynamically.
See also: Component, Package, Pickle
import structure Compiler from "x-alice:/lib/system/Compiler" import signature COMPILER from "x-alice:/lib/system/COMPILER-sig"
signature COMPILER = sig type env exception Error val initialEnv : env val compile : string -> Component.t val compileWith : env * string -> Component.t val compileFile : string * string option -> unit val compileFileWith : env * string * string option -> unit val eval : string -> package val evalWith : env * string -> env * package val evalFile : string -> package val evalFileWith : env * string -> env * package val withStreams : {out : TextIO.outstream option, err : TextIO.outstream option, trace : TextIO.outstream option, annot : TextIO.outstream option} -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b val withWidths : {out : int, err : int, trace : int} -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b end
The type of compilation environments.
Raised when a compile-time error occurs.
The initial compilation environment that contains all library entries that are available by default.
Compiles the string source to a first-class component, under environment env. Raises Error if compilation was not successful. A respective error message will be written to the TextIO.stdErr stream by default, but can be redirected using the withStreams function below. The second variant uses initialEnv as the default environment.
Note that incremental compilation is likely to create a component that is sited and can hence not be exported. With non-incremental compilation this problem does not occur, because all external entities will be referenced indirectly through imports in the created component.
Compiles the content of file and saves the resulting component to a second file. If dest is given, it is used as the destination's file name. Otherwise, the file name is derived from file by replacing its extension with Component.extension. Raises Error if compilation was not successful. A respective error message is written to the TextIO.stdErr stream by default, but can be redirected using the withStreams function below. The first variant compiles under the given environemnt, the second uses initialEnv as the default environment.
Note that incremental compilation is likely to create a sited component and hence can easily fail with an IO.Io exception. With non-incremental compilation this problem does not occur, because all external entities will be referenced indirectly through imports in the created component.
Compiles the string source to a first-class component, under environment env, evaluates it, and returns a package containing the component's export module. Raises Error if compilation was not successful. A respective error message is written to the TextIO.stdErr stream by default, but can be redirected using the withStreams function below. Any exception raised by evaluation of the component will also be propagated to the caller.
The first variant allows for incremental evaluation, it takes a given environment and returns an environment that is extended with all entities declared by the program. The second variant uses initialEnv as the default environment. (See below for examples.)
Like evalWith and eval, respectively, but the program is read from a source file instead of being given as a string.
Redirects the output produced by compilation function f. Error messages are written to err, logging output (such as access to components) is written to out, special output tracing the phases of execution is written to trace, and type annotations are written to annot. By giving NONE for any of these values the respective output will be suppressed. Default mode of operation is {err = SOME TextIO.stdErr, out = NONE, trace = NONE, annot = NONE}.
Note that the I/O produced by evaluation of the compiled component is not affected.
Sets widths for pretty-printing output on the respective message streams. All values default to 80.
Here are some simple examples of using the compiler:
eval "print \"Hello\\n\""
structure It = unpack eval "84 div 2" : (val it : int); print (Int.toString ^ "\n")
eval "raise Empty" handle Empty => ()
val (env, _) = evalWith (initialEnv, "val x = 4"); evalWith (env, "print (Int.toString x)")
eval "import \"x-alice:/lib/system/Compiler\"; \ \Compiler.eval \"print \\\"Hello\\\\n\\\"\""
import val myval : int from "myscheme:/bla" val c = compile "val myval = 7" val _ = ComponentManager.enter (Url.fromString "myscheme:/bla", c) val _ = Print.printVal (myval + 1)
val f = TextIO.openOut "/tmp/log"; withStreams {err=SOME f, out=NONE, trace=NONE, annot=NONE} compile s
val (lines,wr) = TextPrimIO.openVectorListWr () val f = TextIO.mkOutstream (TextIO.StreamIO.mkOutstream (wr, IO.LINE_BUF)); withStreams {err=SOME f, out=NONE, trace=NONE, annot=NONE} compile s; TextIO.closeOut f
withStreams {err=SOME TextIO.stdOut, out=SOME TextIO.stdOut, trace=NONE, annot=NONE} (withWidths {err=120, out=120, trace=80} compile) s