Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Informatics, BME
Engineering Programme in English |
MSc Course in Software Engineering
Autumn semester 2007/08
It is possible to define some kind of arithmetics for nearly any
data structure by specifying the semantics of various operations. In
the case of Haskell, the most general numeric type class,
only defines addition, subtraction, multiplication
and a handful of unary operations, e.g. absolute value. Your task is
to define addition and subtraction for
search trees (BSTs) the following way:
Example (@ denotes leaves):
t1 t2 t1+t2 t1-t2 4 3 4 2 / \ / \ / \ @ \ / \ / \ / \ 7 2 7 1 5 / \ / @ / @ / @ @ @ / \ 2 7 6 1 6 4 8 / \ / \ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 1 3 6 8 @ @ @ @ / @ @ @ 5 @ @
The set of binary search trees must be closed under the above defined addition and subtraction operations, i.e. if both t1 and t2 are BSTs, t must also be a BST. In essence, if we interpret these trees as sets, addition corresponds to taking the union, and subtraction corresponds to the usual definition of set subtraction.
Note that there are several different valid outcomes for both operations. As long as the result is a BST, it is considered correct.
Use the following datatype definition:
{- Ord a => Tree a: a binary tree that holds values of type a in each of its nodes, the left child of the root is a BST whose elements are all less than the value in the root, and the right child of the root is a BST whose elements are all greater than the value in the root. No value occurs more than once in the tree. -} data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
First of all, define two auxiliary operators to insert
) and remove (<--
) individual
-- The operators are right associative with a low precedence infixr 1 --> infixr 1 <-- {- n --> t = the tree obtained by inserting n into t. If n was already in t, then t is returned unchanged. -} (-->) :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a {- n <-- t = the tree obtained by removing n from t. If n was not in t, then t is returned unchanged. -} (<--) :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
Afterwards, given the constraints (Ord a, Num a)
the type (Tree a)
the instance of the Num
class, and overload the +
and -
according to the definitions given above. Implement the rest of the
necessary operations
, abs
, signum
, fromInteger
to simply produce an empty tree.
If your auxiliary functions and overloads are working properly, you can easily test the example above:
*Main> 6 --> 7 --> 1 --> 2 --> 4 --> Leaf Node 4 (Node 2 (Node 1 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) (Node 7 (Node 6 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) *Main> 4 --> 8 --> 1 --> 5 --> 3 --> Leaf Node 3 (Node 1 Leaf Leaf) (Node 5 (Node 4 Leaf Leaf) (Node 8 Leaf Leaf)) *Main> (6 --> 7 --> 1 --> 2 --> 4 --> Leaf) + (4 --> 8 --> 1 --> 5 --> 3 --> Leaf) Node 4 (Node 2 (Node 1 Leaf Leaf) (Node 3 Leaf Leaf)) (Node 7 (Node 6 (Node 5 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) (Node 8 Leaf Leaf)) *Main> (6 --> 7 --> 1 --> 2 --> 4 --> Leaf) - (4 --> 8 --> 1 --> 5 --> 3 --> Leaf) Node 2 Leaf (Node 7 (Node 6 Leaf Leaf) Leaf)
Other tests:
*Main> 1 <-- 5 <-- (4 --> 3 --> 2 --> 1 --> Leaf) Node 2 Leaf (Node 3 Leaf (Node 4 Leaf Leaf)) *Main> foldr (-->) Leaf [6,2,3,9,7] Node 7 (Node 3 (Node 2 Leaf Leaf) (Node 6 Leaf Leaf)) (Node 9 Leaf Leaf)
Try to define multiplication (*
) as an intersection,
i.e. t1 * t2 = t, where t is a BST that contains
only the values present in both t1 and t2. For
*Main> (6 --> 7 --> 1 --> 2 --> 4 --> Leaf) * (4 --> 8 --> 1 --> 5 --> 3 --> Leaf) Node 4 (Node 1 Leaf Leaf) Leaf