
Alice Project

The MkSearch functor

________ Synopsis ____________________________________________________

    signature SEARCH
    functor MkSearch (Problem : PROBLEM where type space = 
                  :> SEARCH where type solution = Problem.solution
		            where type space    =

The MkSearch functor expects a description of the constraint problem to solve, given as a structure PROBLEM. It returns a structure that can be used for searching one or many solutions.

Have a look at the examples.

See also: PROBLEM, PATH, Space.

________ Import ______________________________________________________

    import signature SEARCH   from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/search-factory/SEARCH-sig"
    import structure MkSearch from "x-alice:/lib/gecode/search-factory/MkSearch"

________ Interface ___________________________________________________

signature SEARCH =

  type solution
  type space

  exception NotAssigned
  val init              : solution Path.t -> unit
  val nextSolved        : unit -> (space * solution Path.t) option
  val isFinished        : unit -> bool
  val getOneSolution    : unit -> (solution * solution Path.t) option
  val getAllSolutions   : unit -> solution list
  val getUnexploredPath : unit -> solution Path.t option
  val stopSearch        : unit -> unit
  val betterThan        : solution -> unit


________ Description _________________________________________________

type solution

The type of solutions. The MkSearch functor returns a type solution equal to Problem.solution.

type space

The type of constraint spaces. The MkSearch functor returns a type space equal to

exception NotAssigned

Raised when the constraint problem to solve is under-specified, that is, a space is solved, but the variables necessary to read the solutions are not all determined. See the same exception in FD.

init path

Optional. Sets the top node of the search (by default it is the root node of the search tree). Raise Fail if the search has already begun and is not finished yet.

nextSolved ()

Returns NONE if no more solution can be found. Otherwise, returns a pair (space, path) of the solved space and the path of this solution in the search tree.

isFinished ()

Indicates if the search is finished.

getOneSolution ()

Returns NONE if no more solution can be found. Otherwise, returns a pair (sol, path) of one new solution and the path of this solution in the search tree. Raises NotAssigned if the variables are not assigned in the solved space.

getAllSolutions ()

Returns a list of all the (remaining) solutions. In the case of Branch & Bound, the first solution of the list (head of the list) is the best solution. Raises NotAssigned if the variables are not assigned in the solved space.

getUnexploredPath ()

Returns the path corresponding to some unexplored node, usually the highest available in the tree. Returns NONE if one or less such nodes are available. Returns SOME path otherwise. The returned path is removed from the list of unexplored nodes so that it will not be explored in the future. Thread-safe.

stopSearch ()

Stops the search. Thread-safe.

betterThan solution

Optional. In case of Branch & Bound search, constrain the search tree by inserting a new solution found in another place (like in distributed search). In general, you need not call this function when doing Branch & Bound search. Thread-safe.

last modified 2005/Aug/03 09:17