
Alice Project

The PRIM_IO signature

________ Synopsis ____________________________________________________

    signature PRIM_IO
    structure BinPrimIO : PRIM_IO where type elem         = Word8.t
				    and type vector       = Word8Vector.t
    				    and type array        = Word8Array.t
				    and type vector_slice = Word8VectorSlice.t
    				    and type array_slice  = Word8ArraySlice.t
				    and type pos          = Position.t
    structure TextPrimIO : PRIM_IO where type elem        = Char.t
				    and type vector       = CharVector.t
    				    and type array        = CharArray.t
				    and type vector_slice = CharVectorSlice.t
    				    and type array_slice  = CharArraySlice.t
    functor PrimIO (structure Vector : MONO_VECTOR
                    structure Array :  MONO_ARRAY
		       where type elem   = Vector.elem
			 and type vector = Vector.t
		    structure VectorSlice : MONO_VECTOR_SLICE
		       where type elem   = Vector.elem
			 and type vector = Vector.t
		    structure ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE
		       where type elem   = Vector.elem
		         and type vector = Vector.t
			 and type array  = Array.t
			 and type vector_slice = VectorSlice.t
		    val someElem : Vector.elem
		    eqtype pos
		    val compare :  pos * pos -> order) :
	    PRIM_IO where type elem         = Vector.elem
	              and type vector       = Vector.t
		      and type array        = Array.t
		      and type vector_slice = VectorSlice.t
		      and type array_slice  = ArraySlice.t
		      and type pos          = pos

The Standard ML Basis' PRIM_IO signature and PrimIO functor.


________ Import ______________________________________________________

Imported implicitly.

________ Interface ___________________________________________________

    signature PRIM_IO =
	type elem
	type vector
	type vector_slice
	type array
	type array_slice

	eqtype pos
	val compare : pos * pos -> order

	datatype reader = RD of
	    {name :       string,
	     chunkSize :  int,
	     readVec :    (int -> vector) option,
	     readArr :    (array_slice -> int) option,
	     readVecNB :  (int -> vector option) option,
	     readArrNB :  (array_slice -> int option) option,
	     block :      (unit -> unit) option,
	     canInput :   (unit -> bool) option,
	     avail :      unit -> int option,
	     getPos :     (unit -> pos) option,
	     setPos :     (pos -> unit) option,
	     endPos :     (unit -> pos) option,
	     verifyPos :  (unit -> pos) option,
	     close :      unit -> unit,
	     ioDesc :     OS.IO.iodesc option}

	datatype writer = WR of
	    {name :       string,
	     chunkSize :  int,
	     writeVec :   (vector_slice -> int) option,
	     writeArr :   (array_slice -> int) option,
	     writeVecNB : (vector_slice -> int option) option,
	     writeArrNB : (array_slice -> int option) option,
	     block :      (unit -> unit) option,
	     canOutput :  (unit -> bool) option,
	     getPos :     (unit -> pos) option,
	     setPos :     (pos -> unit) option,
	     endPos :     (unit -> pos) option,
	     verifyPos :  (unit -> pos) option,
	     close :      unit -> unit,
	     ioDesc :     OS.IO.iodesc option}

	val openVector :       vector -> reader
	val openVectorListRd : vector list -> reader
	val openVectorListWr : unit -> vector list * writer
	val nullRd :           unit -> reader
	val nullWr :           unit -> writer
	val augmentReader :    reader -> reader
	val augmentWriter :    writer -> writer

________ Description _________________________________________________

Items not described here are as in the Standard ML Basis' PRIM_IO signature and PrimIO functor.

openVectorListRd l

Creates a reader whose content is the concatenation of the elements from the list l. The list may contain futures, in which case reading will block as soon as the reader has moved to the future position.

openVectorListWr ()

Creates a list future l and a writer. The list behaves as a concurrent stream, that is, whenever data is passed to the writer, l is extended by one element containg the respective data as a vector. When the writer is closed, the list's tail will become nil.

last modified 2005/Aug/03 09:17