
Alice Project

The Explorer structure

________ Synopsis ____________________________________________________

    signature EXPLORER
    structure Explorer : Explorer

The Alice Explorer is a graphical tool of the Alice programming environment. It can run scripts and display the explored search trees. It can also display the information in the computation spaces associated with the nodes of the search tree.

For example, the expression

Explorer.exploreAll money

tells the Explorer to run the script money and explore the entire search tree. The Explorer will pop up a window and display the explored nodes of the search tree. Choice nodes appear as blue circles, failure nodes as red boxes, and solution nodes as green diamonds. Fully explored subtrees not containing solution nodes are collapsed into a single red triangle.

See also: Search, Space, FD, Linear, FS

________ Import ______________________________________________________

    import signature EXPLORER from "x-alice:/lib/tools/EXPLORER-sig"
    import structure Explorer from "x-alice:/lib/tools/Explorer"

________ Interface ___________________________________________________

  signature EXPLORER =
        type explorer
        val init : ( -> 'a) -> explorer
        val exploreOne : ( -> 'a) -> explorer
        val exploreAll : ( -> 'a) -> explorer
        val exploreBest :
	  ( -> 'a * ( * -> unit))
	  -> explorer

________ Description _________________________________________________

init p

Opens an explorer window, initialized with the constraint problem specified in p.

exploreOne p

Opens an explorer window, initialized with the constraint problem specified in p, and search for the first solution.

exploreAll p

Opens an explorer window, initialized with the constraint problem specified in p, and search for all solutions.

exploreBest (p, b)

Opens an explorer window, initialized with the constraint problem specified in p, and search for the best solution according to the measure b.

last modified 2005/Aug/03 09:17